Custom Segments for NFP Financials

Custom Segments are custom classification fields that can be set on various transactions. This topic is about custom segments specifically for nonprofit organizations. For general information, see Custom Segments.

You can track revenue and expenses using custom segments. Custom segments are available as fields or columns on line items when creating grant opportunities, pledges, donations, and other transactions. You can generate reports on any of these segments for nonprofit leadership to analyze. For details on reporting, see Non-Profit Specific Reports.

All the included custom segments have general ledger impact. Segment values that are saved on transaction instances are displayed on the GL Impact page for those transactions. If a period is closed, you cannot change segment values that impact the general ledger on any transactions in the period.


All the custom segment fields are at the line-item level of transactions. Do not remove segments at the line level. You can add these custom segments to the transaction headers if required.

NFP Financials contains the following custom segments and includes some values as shown in the following table. The custom segments apply to all social impact editions.

Custom Segment


Affected Reports



Use this segment to tag any contributed revenue as restricted by the donor. The segment also provides the means to manage the release of restricted funds. Always tag all expenses and non-contributed revenue as Without Donor Restrictions.

This segment is available as a column at the line-item level on transactions and on other record types. This field is required.

Affected reports include Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) reports. For details, see Non-Profit Financial Reports. Key affected reports may include:

This is not an exhaustive list of affected reports.

The Restriction field is required. Included values are:

  • Without Donor Restrictions

  • With Donor Restrictions


Do not delete or inactivate the included values. If you delete these values, financial reporting, restriction-based reporting, and KPIs are affected.

If you add values, be sure to add rows for the new values on the Statement of Financial Position report.

To manage the values for this segment, go to NFP Financial Center > Data Management > Restriction. You can edit the names of existing restrictions and add new ones.


This segment enables program management. On revenue transactions, use it to identify the purpose of a restriction placed by a donor. On expense transactions, use it to identify the program for which the expense is incurred.

This segment is available as a column at the line-item level on transactions, on the Project form, and on other record types.

Affected reports include Non-Profit Revenue Reports and Non-Profit Expense Reports. Key affected reports may include:

This is not an exhaustive list of affected reports.

Set up your own values for this segment. A value called Unrestricted is provided for transactions that are not restricted to a specific program.

Go to NFP Financial Center > Data Management > Program > New to add programs.


This segment enables grant management. You can use it to track revenue and expenses for a grant.

This segment is available as a column at the line-item level on transactions, the Project form, and budget and allocation schedules.

Set up your own values for this segment.

Go to NFP Financial Center > Data Management > Grant > New to add grants.

Time Restriction

Use this segment to tag any revenue or funding that has been restricted by the donor for use in a future year. Multiyear grant funding often uses this segment.

This segment is available as a column at the line-item level on transactions.

Release from Time Restriction

Included values represent fiscal years.

Go to NFP Financial Center > Data Management > Time Restriction > New to add or edit the values.


Use this segment to tag any revenue or funding that has been restricted by the donor for use in specific region or geographical area. On expense transactions, use this segment to tag the region where the money is spent.

This segment is available as a column at the line-item level on transactions, on the Project form, and on allocation schedules.

Affected reports include Non-Profit Revenue Reports and Non-Profit Expense Reports.

Set up your own values for this segment. For example, your regions may be cities, states, countries, or any other geographical area.

Go to NFP Financial Center > Data Management > Region > New to add regions.

Revenue Type

This segment enables revenue stream management. Use it to tag revenue transactions for major revenue sources, such as donations, grants, and so on.

This segment is available as a column at the line-item level on transactions (except purchase and expense transactions) and on other record types.

Non-Profit Revenue Reports, including:

Included values are:

  • Donation

  • Event

  • Fee for Service

  • Grant

  • Membership

  • Sale of Goods


Do not delete or inactivate the included values. If you delete these values, revenue-based reporting and KPIs are affected. You can rename the values and add new ones.

To manage the values for this segment, go to NFP Financial Center > Data Management > Revenue Type. You can edit the names of existing revenue types and add new ones.

Revenue Subtype

Use this segment to provide additional tracking of a major revenue source.

This segment is available as a column at the line-item level on transactions (except purchase and expense transactions) and on other record types.

Non-Profit Revenue Reports, including:

Included values by suggested revenue type value are:

  • Suggested for Donation

    • Cash Donation

    • Event Donation

    • Gift in Kind

    • Matching Gift

    • Pledge

    • Recurring Donation

    • Stock Gift

    • Tribute Gift

  • Suggested for Event

    Ticket Sale

  • Suggested for Fee for Service

    • Government Services

    • Program Service

  • Suggested for Grant

    • Contribution Grant

    • Exchange Agreement

  • Suggested for Membership

    • Corporate Membership

    • Individual Membership

  • Suggested for Sale of Goods



Do not delete or inactivate the included values. If you delete these values, revenue-based reporting and KPIs are affected. You can rename the values and add new ones.

To manage the values for this segment, go to NFP Financial Center > Data Management > Revenue Subtype. You can edit the names of existing revenue subtypes and add new ones.

Functional Expense

Use this segment to tag expense transactions by the purpose of the expense, such as program service, fundraising, or general administration. This segment is required to generate the Statement of Functional Expense report.

This segment is available as a column at the line-item level on transactions and on the Budget and Allocation form.

Included values are:

  • Fundraising

  • Management & General

  • Program Service


Do not delete or inactivate the included values. If you delete these values, expense-based reporting and KPIs are affected. You can rename the values and add new ones.

To manage the values for this segment, go to NFP Financial Center > Data Management > Functional Expense. You can edit the names of existing expenses and add new ones.

You can import values for custom segments using CSV Import. For details, see CSV Import and Custom Segments and Custom Segment Value Import. For more information on creating and editing values, see Custom Segment Values

To view, modify, or create any Custom Segments, go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Custom Segments. For details, see Custom Segment Creation.


You must not rename the classifications (Department, Class, Location, Subsidiary, or Account) with the same name as any of the custom segments listed in the table above. Else, you may face issues when updating the NFP SuiteApps.


Custom Segments are unlocked, so you can modify Custom Segments and corresponding Custom Record definitions. However, a bundle update reverts Custom Segment modifications to the state in the SuiteApp, with the exception of the following field values:

  • Label

  • Mandatory check box

  • Default Selection

  • Default Record Access Level

  • Default Search/Reporting Access Level

  • Sourcing lists from Transactions, Transaction Columns, Entities, CRM, and Items

You can add new custom fields on associated custom records, which do not get overwritten by bundle updates.


If you create a new custom segment, use Segment Code for the Source List. On the Custom Segment page, click Application & Sourcing, and then click Transaction Columns. From the Source List, select Segment Code (Segment Code). Click Custom Record Types, and then check the Segment Code box.

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