Custom Segment Value Import
Custom segments are classification fields similar to class, department, and location. When the Custom Segments feature is enabled, you can use the NetSuite UI to create as many custom segments as necessary for your organization. For example, you might create a custom segment called Sales Channel that has values such as Brick-and-Mortar Store, Call Center, and Web Store. For general details about creating and managing custom segments, see Custom Segments.
After custom segments have been created in your NetSuite account, you can use the Import Assistant to add and update values for each segment. For example, with the segment called Sales Channel, you could use the Import Assistant to import new values such as Catalog and Partner Outlet.
To import values, set the Import Type to Classification. In the Record Type dropdown list, the system displays both the names of your custom segments and any other classifications enabled in your account. For example, custom segments named Brand and Product Line would display alongside Class, Department, and Location, if those features are enabled.

Before you begin importing custom segments, it might be useful to view the form you would use to manually create these records, at Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Custom Segments > New.
See the following for more information about custom segment value imports: