Viewing the SuiteTax Data Migration Status

To view the status of the SuiteTax data migration, go to Setup > Accounting > SuiteTax Migration. Only Administrator role have access to the SuiteTax Migration page.

On the SuiteTax Migration page, you can do the following:

Setup Status

This section shows the status of the SuiteTax setup. After enabling SuiteTax, an administrator must also confirm that all setup tasks required for SuiteTax migration have been completed. Taxable transactions are not available for creation and editing until the SuiteTax setup has been completed and confirmed.

To confirm the SuiteTax setup, click the Confirm SuiteTax Setup button on the SuiteTax Migration page.

On the Confirm SuiteTax Setup page, a list of warnings is shown if the system found any inaccuracies in the SuiteTax setup, such as tax registrations without tax engines and not marked as tax-exempt. For information about selecting tax engines for subsidiary tax registrations, see Selecting a Tax Engine for Tax Registrations on Subsidiary Records.

When the warnings have been addressed, check the SuiteTax Setup Completed box at the bottom of the page to confirm the setup, then click Save. Taxable transactions will be available for creation and editing after this step.

Transaction Migration Status

This section shows the status of the transaction migration. Transactions for the last three years are migrated asynchronously, whereas older transactions can be migrated on demand by opening the transaction record.

To view the details and status of processed transaction records for SuiteTax migration, go to Setup > Company > Bulk Processing Status List.

For information about migrated transactions in SuiteTax, see Transactions in SuiteTax.

Migration Process Log

This section shows the log for the completed migration steps. You can see the migration steps that were started and completed, and the records types that were processed for SuiteTax migration. If there are errors encountered during migration, you can also see the error details in this section.

General Notices