Creating a Shortcut Group
A shortcut group is a collection of shortcuts or links. When you create a shortcut group, you must assign it to a navigation category.
To create a shortcut group:
Go to Setup > Navigation Portlet > Manage Shortcut Group > New.
Provide values for the following fields:
Name – Enter a name for the shortcut group.
Note:If you create shortcut groups with the same name, the shortcut group that is first created is used. If you create shortcut groups with the same name but assign them to different navigation categories, all of the shortcut groups are displayed in the portlet.
Assign to Category – Select a navigation category where you want to assign the shortcut group. To create a new navigation category, select New from the list.
For information about creating navigation categories, see Creating a Navigation Category.
Shortcut Group Display Order – Enter a numeric value to define the display order of the shortcut group.
For example, if you enter 1, the shortcut group is shown as the first column in the navigation portlet. The display order of the shortcut groups is based on available columns. If two or more shortcut groups have the same display order, the system displays the shortcut groups in alphabetical order.
Note:The navigation portlet can only display up to 8 shortcut groups. If you enter a display order value that is beyond the limit, the shortcut group is created but is not displayed in the navigation portlet.
Icon – Select an icon for the shortcut group.
Image files must be uploaded to the File Cabinet. If possible, use a square image. The system automatically adjusts the size to 60 ×60 pixels. You can upload image files only when you are in Classic mode.
When Redwood Experience is enabled, this field is referred to as the Redwood Icon. This field has a fixed set of supported icons which you can choose from when creating or updating an icon. See Modifying the Display of the Navigation Portlet.
Following a bundle installation or upgrade, a map/reduce script is used to map Classic icons into their Redwood equivalents. If you create a new shortcut group in Redwood after this script runs, that Redwood Icon displays a default icon when you switch back to Classic mode. A default icon is shown after the switch if the Classic Icon field is blank.
Inactive – Leave this box clear to display the shortcut group on the navigation portlet.
Display Shortcut Groups to All Roles – Check this box to make the shortcut group visible to all roles.
When this box is checked, the Role field becomes read-only.
Role – Select at least one role that can access this shortcut group.
To select multiple roles, press and hold down the Ctrl key.
Add shortcuts to the shortcut group:
Navigation Shortcut Name – Enter the shortcut name.
Shortcut Display Order – Enter a numeric value to determine the display order of the shortcut in the shortcut group.
Link – Enter the URL of the shortcut.
Important:The system does not validate the URL. Ensure that you have entered the correct URL for the link to open.
Tooltip – (Optional) Enter a tooltip for the shortcut or select from the available tooltips in the list.
The tooltip list is a custom record that supports multiple languages.
Click Add.
Repeat steps a through e to add more shortcuts to the shortcut group.
You can add up to 5 shortcuts per shortcut group.
Click Save.