Transaction Discount Promotions – Advanced Form

Follow these steps to create a promotion where the discount is applied to the total transaction amount. This topic applies to NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) promotions.

To create a Transaction Discount Promotion Record:

  1. Log in to NetSuite ERP as an administrator.

  2. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.

  3. Locate the RA-Promotion record row and click List.

  4. Open the promotion record.

    • For a new promotion, click New RA-Promotion.

    • To update an existing promotion, locate the promotion and click Edit.

  5. For Custom Form, select Advanced Promotion Form.

  6. Enter a descriptive Name. This name appears in the NSPOS Journal line entry and on customer receipts.


    Leave the Inactive box empty. This is used to inactivate an existing promotion. You can also delete the record to remove a promotion or end it early by changing the date.

  7. Select the Discount Item to use with the promotion.

  8. Enter the Effective Date for the promotion to begin. The promotion starts at 00:00 on the selected date.

  9. Enter the Expiration Date for the promotion to end. The promotion ends at 00:00 on the selected date, meaning it will not be active on that day.


    Promotions must include at least two calendar days. Promotion dates sync to each workstation as fixed dates and times, regardless of the register location’s time zone.


    Effective and Expiration Dates must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.

  10. In the Promotion Type field, select the discount type apply to the transaction.

    • % Off – To discount by a percent.

    • $ Off – To apply a flat discount.

    • New Price – This option is not used with transaction discounts.


    When you select a Promotion Type, some fields become dimmed. This dimming occurs because those fields are no longer applicable to the promotion.

  11. Leave the Mix and Match box empty for these basic steps.

    For the steps to use these fields, see BOGO or Mix and Match Promotions – Advanced Form.

  12. In the Buy field, enter the item quantity that must be purchased as a minimum condition to receive the discount.

  13. Leave the Get field empty.

  14. Enter the discount amount. Fields not applicable to your discount type are dimmed.

    • % Off – Enter the percent amount that the transaction will be discounted. NetSuite adds the percent sign automatically.

    • $ Off – Enter a flat amount the transaction will be discounted. NetSuite formats and rounds this up or down to the nearest second decimal point. Do not enter a currency symbol.

    • New Price – This option is not used with transaction discounts.

  15. To apply the discount against the total transaction, check Apply to Transaction.

  16. For a transaction discount item promotion, leave the Amount Spend empty.

    This is the minimum purchase amount required to receive a discount. It will remove the Buy quantity requirement set for the items. See Amount Spend Promotions – Advanced Form if you want to include this requirement.

  17. Select whether the promotion can Repeat for customers during the promotion period.

    • Once – Each customer can receive the discount one time.

    • Multiple – Each customer can receive the discount as often as desired.

    • First – New customer incentive. Customers can receive the discount one time only on the first transaction they make through an NSPOS register.

      Cashiers can add the customer at the time of purchase or you can preload your customers through an import. The trigger is whether a transaction attached to that customer exists in the NetSuite ERP database.


      Purchases made through other applications that log transactions to NetSuite ERP will cause a customer to be ineligible for a “first” NSPOS promotion.

  18. Click the Locations subtab and select the locations.

    • To select specific locations: Select from the Location list.

    • To include all locations: Check the All Locations box.

    • To exclude specific locations: Check Exclude Locations and choose which to exclude from the Locations list.

  19. Click the Customers subtab and select the customers to include.

    • To include specific customers:

      1. In the Customer field, select List or Search, or begin entering the first Customer you want to add to this promotion.

      2. If using a list or search, select the customer.

      3. Click Add.

      4. Repeat as desired.

    • To include all customers: Check the All Customers box.

    • To include specific customer categories: Select from the Customer Category list.

    • To exclude specific customers:

      1. Check the Exclude Customers box.

      2. In the Customer field, select List or Search, or begin entering the first customer you want to exclude from this promotion.

      3. If using search or a list, select the customer.

      4. Click Add.

      5. Repeat as desired.

    • To exclude a customer category:

      1. Check the Exclude Customers box.

      2. Select one or more from the Customer Category list.

  20. If desired, click the Specific Items subtab and select the items. You can select specific items, include the discount on all items, or exclude items by their item class.

    This subtab applies only if you want to make the purchase of specific items a requirement to receive the transaction discount.


    It is not necessary to require the purchase of specific items for a transaction discount promotion.

    To include specific items:

    1. In the Item field, select List or Search, or begin entering the first item you want to add to this promotion.


      Items whose records are checked Do not download to POS are automatically excluded from promotions. They will not appear in your search.

    2. To be included in a transaction discount promotion, individual items must be flagged as Yes in the Trigger field. The Reward setting is ignored because the reward is the transaction discount.

    3. Click Add.

    4. Repeat the Specific Items steps for each item you want to include in the promotion.

    To include all items: Check the All Items box.

    To exclude specific items:

    1. Check the Exclude Items box.

    2. In the Item field, select List or Search, or begin entering the first item you want to add to this promotion.


      Items whose records are checked Do not download to POS are automatically excluded from promotions. They will not appear in your search.

    3. Ignore the Trigger and Reward and other fields.

    4. Click Add.

    To exclude items by item class:

    1. Check the Exclude Items box.

    2. Select one or more from the Item Class list to exclude from the promotion.

  21. Optionally add coupon codes to the promotion from the Coupons subtab. See Work with Coupon Codes.


    These coupon codes are specific to NSPOS. They are not the coupons available through NetSuite ERP.

  22. Optionally select a specific Stacking Rule from the Stacking Rules subtab.

    • Promotions are automatically assigned to the default Stacking Rule. Use the Stacking Rule list to select a different rule as desired. For more information, see Use Stacking Rules for Promotion Interactions.

    • Stacking Rules can include exclusions to prevent other promotions from combining to create to large of a discounts. However, you can override or add to the assigned rule for this specific promotion.

      • Explicitly Excluded: To exclude a promotion from combining with the current promotion, click the down arrows for a list or begin entering the promotion name and press the tab key. Select the promotion.

      • Explicitly Included: To include a promotion with the current promotion, click the down arrows for a list or begin entering the promotion name and press the tab key. Select the promotion.

  23. Optionally select the Notes subtab and add comments about the promotion.

  24. Optionally select the Files subtab and attach files to the promotion record. This is useful for keeping your advertising copy or planning documents with the promotion record.

  25. The Workflow subtab is not used with NSPOS promotions.

  26. Click Save.

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