Work with Coupon Codes

This topic applies to NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) Advanced Promotions.

NSPOS coupon codes provide a method for customers to use a promotion only if they have the code and meet the purchase conditions. You can add a coupon code to a promotion and then print the code on flyers, include the code in online advertisements or distribute your code by email. NSPOS coupon codes are only valid during the promotion’s effective period.

Codes are set up as a multiple use or single use type.


NSPOS promotions can only include one code type at a time – a multiple-use code or one or more single-use codes.


You can use the New RA-PromotionCoupon button as an option to open a coupon form, but creating coupons directly within the promotion record using Add is the most efficient method.


These coupon codes are specific to NSPOS. They are not the coupons available through NetSuite ERP.

Coupons subtab on the Promotion record.

To add Coupon Codes to a Promotion:

  1. Log in to NetSuite ERP as an administrator.

  2. Create or edit a promotion.

  3. Click the Coupons subtab.

  4. Select if the coupon will be Single Use Only or available to use multiple times.

    • A single-use code can only be used one time during the promotion effective period. This restriction means that only one customer can use the code a single time.

    • Promotions can have many single-use codes, but only one multiple-use code.

    • If one code in the list is Single Use Only, you cannot add another line with a multiple-use coupon code.

  5. Enter the NSPOS Coupon Code. Only enter one code per line.

    You can enter any number, letter or symbol, up to 40 characters. To ensure sales associates can enter the code during a transaction, you should limit the characters to those found on a standard keyboard.

  6. Click Add.

  7. Enter another code and click Add as desired.

  8. Distribute or publish your coupon codes to your customers.

Follow the next steps to view all NSPOS coupon codes set up for your account. Each code record includes a link to its associated promotion. If a single-use coupon was used for a transaction, the coupon record displays the NSPOS Transaction ID and show a check in the Used box.

To view or edit a list of Coupon Codes:


You can click New RA-PromotionCoupon from the list to add a code to an existing promotion.

  1. Log in to NetSuite ERP as an administrator.

  2. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types

  3. Locate the RA-PromotionCoupon row and click List.

  4. Locate the desired NSPOS Coupon Code.

  5. Click View to display details about the code.

  6. Click Edit to:

    • Make the code Inactive.

    • Change the Promotion associated with the code.

    • Adjust whether the code is Single Use Only.

    • Change the NSPOS Coupon Code characters.


    You should not change the NSPOS Transaction ID and Used fields.

  7. If you made changes, click Save

RA-PromotionCoupon list. RA-PromotionCoupon record.

You cannot delete or inactivate a coupon code directly from the promotion. Instead, go to the list of existing codes using the procedure below. Inactivating a code prevents it from being used again, but maintains any existing Transaction ID history. You should not delete a code that was previously used because that removes it from the transaction history.

To Delete or Inactivate a Coupon Code:

  1. Log in to NetSuite ERP as an administrator.

  2. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types

  3. Locate the RA-PromotionCoupon row and click List.

  4. Locate the desired NSPOS Coupon Code.

  5. Click Edit.

  6. Check the Inactive box or select Actions > Delete.

  7. If you checked Inactive , click Save.

To use a Coupon Code at the Register:

  1. Enter all items included in the transaction.

    You should enter the coupon at the end of the transaction, after scanning all the items. That way you can ensure that all promotions requirements were met in the customer’s purchase.

  2. Enter the coupon code directly into the Journal.

If the customer’s purchase does not meet the requirements, NSPOS displays a warning that the coupon was not applied and the coupon line in the journal is voided.

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