Creating BOM Revisions
A BOM revision let you update a BOM’s details throughout the product lifecycle. A BOM revision also provides an accessible revisions history. Use revisions to compare and track cost savings when many BOM revisions are used in production.
For example, revision Engineering RV2 saves Wolfe Manufacturing $27,000 dollars a year because it uses a simplified spoke insertion method on its wheel assembly. This results in faster machine run times compared to the previous Engineering BOM.
To create a BOM revision:
Go to Lists > Supply Chain > Bill of Materials.
Beside the BOM you want to revise, click View.
On the Revisions subtab, click Create New Revision.
Enter a revision Name.
In the Memo field, enter any information you want to include with this revision.
To set an Effective Start Date and Effective End Date, click the calendar icon and then select a date from the calendar.
If you do not enter an effective end date. Future BOM revisions may be affected.
Note:Only one revision can be active at a time. BOM revision start and end dates cannot overlap. Gaps between revision dates are permitted.
For more information, see Updating BOM Revision Record Dates.
Check the Inactive box if you do not want this BOM to appear in search lists on records and forms.
Clear this box if you want this BOM to appear in lists.
The read-only AM BOM Operations field:
When you edit or save a Bill of Materials Revision record without making any changes, the AM BOM Operations field Internal and component ID values are updated.
However, when you create, edit, or save a BOM Revision record, the AM BOM Operations field component internal ID value is also updated.
For example, an AM BOM Operations field that displays 508,T,11, represents the following:
508 – is the internal id of the AM Operation. For example, the Assemble Table task.
T – the Auto-issue box options, True or False.
11 -the internal id of the component. For example, 9MS.
After editing or saving, the AM Operations BOM Field could change to the following:
508 – is the internal id of the AM Operation. For example, the Assemble Table task.
T – the Auto-issue box options, True or False.
42 -the internal id of the component. For example, 23MN.
Click Save.
On the Revisions subtab, click Edit beside the revision you created.
On the Components subtab, select an Item to include with this revision.
All associated revision components appear in this subtab.
Accept or edit the BOM Quantity.
You can enter partial quantities up to 5 decimals.
Select or enter the Units.
Use the unit of measure that is defined on the BOM and consumed in production. The unit improves flexibility, makes BOMs easier to read, and enables you to specify quantity units of measure.
Select an Item Source.
The work order item source determines where item quantities are taken from. For example, from stock, work order, or purchase order.
For more information, see the Item Source field on the Phantom Assemblies window.
To add more items, click Add and then repeat steps 9 through 12.
After you select your components, use the Move buttons to change component order.
Click Save.