
Retailers use promotions to increase in-store visits, improve customer awareness and loyalty, and to move merchandise out of the warehouse and off the shelves, usually in collaboration with item vendors. With NSPOS, you can quickly create various types of promotions using NetSuite discount item and promotion records.

Promotions range from basic price markdowns, discounts on transaction totals, and complex buy one, get one or mix and match offers. You can analyze the sales generated from promotions in NetSuite, both while the promotion is running and when it has finished.

Promotion Parameters

Promotions use the following parameters:

Optional parameters you can use are:

Discount Types

Each promotion is based on at least one the following discount types:

How Multiple Discounts are Applied in NSPOS

When more than one discount is applied to an item, NSPOS applies each discount sequentially. The first discount is applied to the base price. The next discount is applied to the previously-discounted amount. This process continues until all eligible discounts have been applied. Multiple discounts are sometimes called "stacking discounts."

For example, an item is eligible for the following discounts

  • Discount 1 =10%

  • Discount 2 =10%

  • Item base price =$100

NSPOS applies the discounts as follows:

  • Discount 1 applied to $100 (base price): 100 – 10% = 100 – 10 = $90

  • Discount 2 applied to $90 (discounted price): 90 – 10% = 90 – 9 = $81

    Final price =$81

Promotions with multiple discounts and promotions on items with other discounts are also calculated in NSPOS using this method.


By default, NetSuite ERP applies the first and subsequent discounts to the item base price only.

Promotion Item Records

NetSuite creates a custom RA-PromotionItem record each time an item is added to an RA-Promotion record. Each record contains the Trigger, Reward, and override price settings you assigned to that item when adding it to the promotion record. When adding items to a new promotion, you can use these existing records or add an item and create its settings manually.

RA-PromotionItem custom records are available at Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Record Types.

No Integration with SuitePromotions

NSPOS is not integrated with the NetSuite application SuitePromotions.

If you want to use SuitePromotions with another product that is integrated with NetSuite, such as SuiteCommerce, keep in mind that those promotions will not apply to sales transactions entered using NSPOS.

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General Notices