Automatic Upsync Error Mitigation
Your NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) upsync integration includes error mitigation services that automatically applies a "fix" when incorrect data causes a record to save to NetSuite ERP. Upsync errors typically occur when data is missing, is in the wrong format, or does not match what is saved in ERP now. For example, without error mitigation, a transaction record that includes a deleted or inactive item would cause an integration error and prevent the record from being synchronized.
The application mitigates upsync errors using either of these methods:
Data Replacement – Data flagged as an error in the upsync response from NetSuite ERP is replaced with generic data.
For inventory items, the replacement value is called the Open Item. The original values in error are saved to NetSuite ERP for review and optional manual correction. The original values are generally saved to a custom field.
Data Avoidance – Data flagged as an error is withheld from the upsync because there is no means to obtain a suitable replacement
NPSOS uses Automatic Upsync Error Mitigation for these record types:
Transaction data
Item records
Customer records
Employee records
Other data not related to transactions
Customer records
Employee records
Manually correcting replaced values is not required, but should be done to ensure accurate reporting and to maintain inventory quantities for bin items.
How Upsync Error Mitigation Works
Use these tables to learn how the mitigation process works and the steps you can take after upsync to correct the data. See Correcting Mitigated Records Through a Saved Search for the steps to identify and correct mitigated records.
Transaction Data Errors
These errors are specific to upsyncs of transaction data, such as sales or refunds.
Error Type |
Error Mitigation Process |
Comments |
Transaction line item was deleted, is inactive, or has an invalid item ID |
Transaction data is upsynced to NetSuite, but due to replacement, the item listed in the transaction is not accurate. To identify transactions with replaced items, run the Saved Search Attention Needed – Transactions (Open Item). |
Transaction line item is associated with a bin where the quantity is not enough for the specific location |
Transaction data is upsynced to NetSuite, but due to replacement, the bin item listed in the transaction is not correct and available inventory quantities are not adjusted for the sale or refund. To identify transactions with replaced items, run the Saved Search Attention Needed – Transactions Open Item (Bin). |
Transaction includes customer ID that was deleted or is inactive |
Transaction data is upsynced correctly to NetSuite, but the transaction references the Anonymous Customer instead of the original customer. To identify impacted transactions, run the Saved Search Attention Needed – Customers (Bad Information). |
Transaction includes employee assigned as sales representative who is marked in NetSuite as deleted or inactive |
Transaction data is upsynced to NetSuite, but transaction might show the sales representative value under POS Bad Sales Rep. To identify impacted transactions, run the Saved Search Attention Needed – Transactions (Bad Sales Rep). |
Customer and Employee Data Errors
These errors are for informational records not related to transactions.
Error Type |
Error Mitigation Process |
Comments |
Customer added as new in NSPOS already exists in NetSuite ERP |
Customer record is upsynced and created in NetSuite, but the new record conflicts with an existing record and may be a duplicate. To identify impacted records, run the Saved Search Attention Needed – Customers (Do Not Download). |
Invalid value for customer email |
Customer record is upsynced to NetSuite, but the value for customer email is missing. To identify impacted records, run the Saved Search Attention Needed – Customers (Bad Information). |
Customer added as new in NSPOS already exists in NetSuite ERP |
Customer record is upsynced and created in NetSuite, but the record may be a duplicate. To identify impacted records, run the Saved Search Attention Needed – Customers (Do Not Download). |
Invalid value for customer phone number |
Customer record is upsynced to NetSuite, but one or more values for the different customer telephone types is missing. To identify impacted records, run the Saved Search Attention Needed – Customers (Bad Information). |
Invalid value for customer address state |
Customer record is upsynced to NetSuite, but the value foraddress state is missing. To identify impacted records, run the Saved Search Attention Needed – Customers (Bad Information). |
Employee RA-OperatorId added as new "customer" in NSPOS already exists in NetSuite ERP |
Customer record is not created for employee. The data in error is not upsynced to NetSuite ERP. |
None |
Employee location assignments include inactive location |
The inactive location is removed from the employee's record. |
Location assignments are found on the employee record > Custom subtab > Location restriction list. |
Verifying Upsync Error Mitigation is Available on Your Account
You can verify that upsync error mitigation is available to you by reviewing your item list in NetSuite ERP. The process uses two item records that should have been automatically created in your account.
"Open Item" Non-inventory Item – When an inactive or deleted item is used in an NSPOS transaction, the affected item is replaced with a non-inventory item called the Open Item.
"Open Item (Bin)" Non-inventory Item – When an item using bins is included in a transaction and the bin lacks sufficient inventory, the item is replaced with a non-inventory item named Open Item (Bin).
These items work as placeholders for the original transaction item, allowing the transaction import to complete. Then you can revisit the transaction later in NetSuite ERP to take corrective steps.
Open Item Pricing and Information
When error mitigation replaces an inactive or deleted item in a transaction, the process creates a new open item (or open (Bin) item). Pricing and other information is copied from the original to the open item. The item description lists the original item name and its UPC.
Manually Creating Open Items
If you do not see an open item in your item list, there may be issues with your error mitigation setup. You should contact NetSuite Customer Support for assistance, letting them know that the items were not created automatically.
However, you can create an open item manually using a few steps.
To create a new Open Item:
Log into NetSuite ERP.
Go to Lists > Accounting > Items > New
Under Non-inventory Item, click For Sale.
For Item Name/Number, enter Open Item.
For UPC Code, enter RA_OPEN_ITEM.
For Display Name/Code, enter Open Item.
Complete the Accounts fields as appropriate.
Set Tax Schedule to Taxable.
For OneWorld accounts ensure that Subsidiary is set to your top level and that the Include Children box is not selected.
Click Save.
To create a new Open Item (Bin):
Log into NetSuite ERP.
Go to Lists > Accounting > Items > New
Under Non-inventory Item, click For Sale.
For Item Name/Number, enter Open Item (Bin).
For UPC Code, enter RA_OPEN_BIN_ITEM.
For Display Name/Code, enter Open Item (Bin).
Complete the Accounts fields as appropriate.
Set Tax Schedule to Taxable.
For OneWorld accounts ensure that Subsidiary is set to your top level and that the Include Children box is not selected.
Click Save.
If you are not sure how to proceed, please contact NetSuite Customer Support or reach out to your ACS/PS representatives.
Correcting Mitigated Records Through a Saved Search
These procedures can help you identify and correct NSPOS data that was adjusted by Automatic Upsync Error Mitigation.
Click the transaction list Calendar Date heading to sort ascending or descending.
Do not modify these Saved Searches. If desired, create a copy and apply your changes there.
Attention Needed – Transactions (Open Item)
Use the following procedure to identify upsynced transactions where one or more items were replaced due to the items being in a deleted or inactive status, or because the item ID was invalid.
This Saved Search is used for both inventory items and bin items.
To run a Saved Search for Open Item transactions:
Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.
Go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches.
Locate the search Attention Needed – Transactions (Open Item) and click View.
Click the Calendar Date to review.
Click Edit on a transaction needing correction.
Under Items, add the correct item, quantity sold, and pricing.
Remove the Open Item or Open Item (Bin) item.
Click Save.
Note:If the item is a bin item, you can provide the bin assignment in the Invoice > Items subtab Inventory Details column. If you cannot select Inventory Details while editing a bin line, create a new line for the bin item and copy the price, quantity, and tax from the original line. Then remove the replaced Open Item (Bin) line.
For information about working with bin items, see Basic Bin Management.
Attention Needed – Customers (Do Not Download)
This procedure identifies customer records with "Do Not Download to POS" selected. These records represent customers added as "new" in NSPOS when they already exist in NetSuite ERP. After reviewing the Saved Search results, you should run Duplicate Detection and merge the duplicate customers.
Unless you clear the "Do Not Download to POS" box, customer records created through upsync error mitigation are not included in downsyncs to NSPOS registers.
To run a Saved Search for Customers flagged as Do Not Download to POS:
Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.
Go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches.
Locate the search Attention Needed – Customers (Do Not Download) and click View.
Review the results and then perform the next set of steps.
To identify and merge duplicate customer records:
Go to Setup > Company > Duplicate Detection.
Check the Detect Customer Duplicates box.
Under Customer Fields to Match On, enter the words First Name. Press return and enter Last Name on the next line
Click Save.
Go to Lists > Mass Update > Entity Duplicate Resolution.
Merge each customer created by error mitigation into the existing customer. See Manage Record Duplicates Page.
Attention Needed – Customers (Bad Information)
Use this procedure to identify upsynced customer records where error mitigation placed one or more invalid values into a custom field.
To run a Saved Search for customer records having invalid information:
Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.
Go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches.
Locate the search Attention Needed – Customers (Bad Information) and click View.
Review the custom fields populated with upsynced data from NSPOS.
For each customer record affected:
Use the custom field values to update standard fields on the record.
Clear values from the custom fields.
Click Save.
Attention Needed – Transactions (Bad Sales Rep)
Use this procedure to identify upsynced transactions where one or more sales representatives were replaced due to the assigned employees being in a deleted or inactive status.
To run a Saved Search for transactions with a "bad" sales representative:
Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.
Go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches.
Locate the search Attention Needed – Transactions (Bad Sales Rep) and click View.
Click the Calendar Date to review.
Click View to open a transaction needing correction.
Open the Custom subtab to view the POS Bad Sales Rep value sent in the transaction upsync.
Edit the invoice and select a valid Sales Rep (top section).
Clear the value in the POS Bad Sales Rep custom field.
Click Save.