NSEB Inbound Document Conversion to Inbound E-Document

Inbound e-documents are created using NSEB Inbound Document. The NSEB Inbound Converter MR automatically converts every 15 minutes to inbound e-document and displays on the Electronic Documents portlet, under Inbound E-Documents for Conversion.

You can click on the number displayed to go to the Inbound E-Documents for Conversion: Results page, which lists the inbound e-documents for conversion. For more information, see Electronic Documents Dashboard SuiteApp Portlet.

And in the inbound e-document record the E-Document Audit Trail subtab displays information about the inbound e-document record including the date created, entity, event type, owner, and details.

NSEB inbound documents with below field values are picked up for conversion:

The template details for the inbound e-document record can be obtained if you select an XSD file in a template record that is appropriate for this inbound e-document record. That template is automatically selected in the E-Document Template field. If XSD file is not provided in e-document template record, then E-Document Template cannot be selected, and inbound document will not be converted. For more information about setting up inbound templates, see Creating E-Document Templates and Understanding XSD in Inbound E-Document Templates

The inbound e-document record required entity details can be obtained using the Inbound CDS PLUGIN execution where the plugin script id is provided as parameter in NSEB Inbound Converter MR script deployment and the entity internal id is expected in the plugin result. The new plugin implementation can be created of the type ‘Inbound Custom Data Source Plugin Type’. To get the expected path of the entity id check the below example.

In consideration with the below sample plugin the entity id path will be: “customDataSources[0].data.entityId”. The path for entity id should be as mentioned as it is expected by EI script to fetch entity details.

 * @NApiVersion 2.x
 * @NScriptType plugintypeimpl
 * @NModuleScope Public
define(['N/render'], function (nsrender) {
    function inject(params) {
        // the expected structure should be defined same as below,
       // as this path is used by EI script to fetch entity details
            customObj = {
              entityId: 55 // internal id of the entity

        return {
            customDataSources: [
                    format: nsrender.DataSource.OBJECT,
                    alias: "entityDetails",
                    data: customObj,

    return {
        inject: inject,


If plugin id is not provoded as script parameter, then as a default approach entity details will be fetched using the PEPPOL ID matching entity where Peppol id is obtained from the payload at xpath: "//cac:AccountingSupplierParty/cac:Party/cbc:EndpointID"

Errors Encountered During NSEB Inbound Document Conversion to Inbound E-Document

S no.

Error Code






Vendor/Customer Id not found in plugin result at expected path.

Entity Id is not found at the expected path on plugin execution.

Ensure plugin execution provides entity id as result at the path:"customDataSources[0].data.entityId".Follow the sample plugin provided in the NSEB Inbound Document Conversion to Inbound E-Document



No such vendor/customer is associated with the Entity Id: {IDENTIFIER}.

There is no entity record with the entity id fetched from the plugin result.

Ensure that vendor/customer is associated with the entity id provided.



The payload does not contain the PEPPOL element Xpath node.

There is no PEPPOL ID node in the XML payload received.

Ensure PEPPOL ID node is present in the XML payload and the Xpath: "//cac:AccountingSupplierParty/cac:Party/cbc:EndpointID"



The payload does not contain the PEPPOL value.

There is no PEPPOL ID at the expected node.

Ensure PEPPOL ID is present in the XML payload at Xpath: "//cac:AccountingSupplierParty/cac:Party/cbc:EndpointID"



No such vendor/customer is associated with the Peppol Id: {IDENTIFIER}.

There is no vendor/customer associated with PEPPOL ID fetched from the payload.

Ensure that the PEPPOL ID is associated with a vendor/customer.



Multiple vendors/customers are associated with the same Peppol Id: {IDENTIFIER}.

There are multiple vendors/customers associated with the PEPPOL ID fetched from the payload.

Ensure that there is only one vendor/customer associated with the PEPPOL Id.



There is no E-Document Package associated with the vendor/customer.

There is no e-document package associated with the vendor/customer.

Ensure that there is e-document package associated with the vendor and transaction type.



There is no E-Document Template associated with the package and transaction type.

There is no E-Document Template associated with the package and transaction type or XSD file associated with the payload in the e-document template.

Ensure that there is an active e-document template associated with vendor/customer e-document package, subsidiary, transaction type and also XSD file associated with the payload in the e-document template. For more information about setting up XSD file in inbound template, read Understanding XSD in Inbound E-Document Templates.

General Notices