Deleting Country-Specific Report Records
This help topic is about deleting records that you created with the Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp. These records include a report or variable record.
In most cases, the reports that are provided by Localization SuiteApps are locked. You cannot delete locked reports as well as the variables and filters in these locked reports.
To delete a report, filter, or variable:
Go to Customization > List, Records, & Fields > Record Types.
Find the appropriate record that you want to delete:
If you are deleting a report, find CSR -Report.
If you are deleting a variable, find CSR -Variable.
Click List on the row of the record type where you want to delete a record.
Click Edit next to the name of the variable or report that you want to delete.
Click the Actions dropdown arrow and click Delete.
Click OK to confirm.
You cannot delete any record that has dependent records. For example, you cannot delete a report that still contains variables or filters. In the same way, you cannot delete a variable that is referenced in a report or in another variable. You need to delete the dependent records first.
You can also consider inactivating a report or variable record. Inactive variables will not be used in the reports. Inactive reports are not visible on the Country-Specific Reports page. For more information, see Inactivating Country-Specific Report Records.