Linking Leave Types to ADP (US)

Follow the procedure.

To link a leave type to ADP (US) in WFM:

  1. Go to Workforce Management > Setup > Integrations > ADP (US).

  2. Click Leave.

  3. Locate the leave type you want to link.

    • In the Search field, enter the name of the leave type.

    • From the list beside the Search field, filter to view either:

      • All leave types

      • Unlinked leave types

      • Linked leave types

  4. In the Payroll ID column of the leave type, select between Hours 3 Code or Hours 4 Code. the code.

  5. On the corresponding field beside the payroll ID, enter the ADP payroll code you want to link to the leave type.

    If you’re unsure of the payroll code, contact your ADP representative.

  6. (Optional) To unlink a leave type from a payroll ID and code, click Unlink on the corresponding row.

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