Approval Rule Setting Fields
After you have set the basic information fields, you can further define the approval rule you create using the approving routing, record locking and reapproval settings.
Approval Routing Fields
The following fields lets you define how you want to route record types for approval.
Route Approvals Based on Amount – This setting applies to both standard employee hierarchy and custom approval chain approval routing types.
When the box for this setting is checked, approval routing ends when the amount criteria is met. The record’s status is set to Approved or Rejected when the approver approves or rejects the record.
When the box is cleared, the workflow automatically uses the custom approval chain you define in the approval matrix. You also cannot edit the following fields:
Amount Field Mapping
Record Amount Limit (Require Approval for Amounts Over)
Use Employee Limit (Apply if Higher than Record Amount Limit)
Use Standard Employee Hierarchy
Define Custom Approval Chain
All Levels of Approval
One Level of Approval Based on Approver's Approval Limit
Allow Record Editing Regardless of Record Status
Lock Record for Editing Based on Status
Select Statuses That Lock Records for Editing
No Approval Rerouting Regardless of Change in Record Amount
Tolerance %
Tolerance (Value)
See Define Custom Approval Chain approval rule setting. The affected record is routed to all specified approvers regardless of the transaction amount.
Note:For NetSuite OneWorld accounts, the transaction amount is based on the base currency of the subsidiary. If you do not have a OneWorld account, the amount is based on the account’s base currency.
Record Amount Limit (Require Approval for Amounts Over) – A record with an amount that is less than or equal to the record amount limit you specify is automatically approved.
The value must not exceed 999,999,999,999.99.
This field is enabled if the Route Approvals Based on Amount box is checked.
Amount Field Mapping – The record amount field you select is used to validate records for approval. All searchable Currency, Decimal, and Integer fields (including custom fields) in the record are available for selection.
Default field values differ depending on the record type selected.
This field is enabled if the Route Approvals Based on Amount box is checked.
Currency – A list of currencies available in your NetSuite account.
This field is enabled if the Route Approvals Based on Amount box is checked.
Use Employee Limit (Apply if Higher than Record Amount Limit) – A record with an amount that is less than or equal to the corresponding approval limit of the submitter’s is automatically approved.
This field is enabled if the Route Approvals Based on Amount box is checked.
Use Standard Employee Hierarchy – This approval routing type is the default routing type. Approval routing is based on the approval hierarchy of the employee or submitter of the record.
This field is enabled if the Route Approvals Based on Amount box is checked.
An employee’s approval hierarchy is determined by information in the employee record. Refer to Setting Employee Approval Information for more information.
If an employee has both a supervisor and a record approver (such as expense approver), the approval hierarchy will follow that of the Expense Approver’s.
Note:If you are using SuiteApprovals for purchase orders or expense reports, the approval hierarchy follows that of the Employee field of the record. If there is no employee specified on the record, the rule uses the submitter’s hierarchy.
Define Custom Approval Chain – This approval routing type lets you create your own approval chain.
When you choose this approval routing type, the approval matrix becomes available. You define the approval chain by adding approvers and setting the sequence of approval routing.
This field is enabled if the Route Approvals Based on Amount box is checked.
By default, the submitter’s supervisor is added as first approver. You can remove the supervisor from the chain or move the supervisor to a different place in the approval sequence.
For purchase orders, the supervisor and department approver, follows the hierarchy of the employee specified in the record’s Employee field. If no employee is specified, the submitter’s hierarchy is used.
You can add up to 20 approvers of the following types:
Employee Supervisor – The direct supervisor of the employee or user who submits the record.
Specific Approver – Any employee who belongs to the same subsidiary as the rule or any employee from another subsidiary who is assigned a role with access to the rule’s subsidiary.
For purchase orders, if an employee is specified in the Employee field on the record, that employee cannot be selected as Specific Approver.
Additionally, any Group or Role approver types that include the employee cannot be added to the approval matrix.
Project Manager – If the approval rule is for expense reports, purchase orders, or vendor bills that are linked to projects, you can select this approver type to require project manager approval.
Note:This approver type should only be added to the approval matrix one time.
Department Approver – You can select a department approver only if a record for one is already set up. For more information, see Setting Up Department Approvers.
Group (Any) – Select a group to require that at least one of its members approve or reject the record for approval. For more information, see Setting Up Group Approvers.
Group (All) – Select a group to require that all its members approve or reject the record for approval.
Role (Any) – Select a role to require that at least one employee with the role approve or reject the record for approval. For more information, see Setting Up Role Approvers.
Role (All) – Select a role to require that all employees with the role approve or reject the record for approval.
Note:Employees who are set up as final approvers are not available for selection. For more information, see Setting Up Final Approvers and Managing Records as a Final Approver.
Require Approval By (Custom Approval Routing) – This custom approval routing type is available when the Record Amount Limit (Require Approval for Amounts Over) box is checked.
It provides the following two options to set your approval requirement, one of which enables skip approval.
All Levels of Approval – Choose this option if you want the workflow to go through all levels of approval until the rule’s amount requirements are met.
This field is enabled if the Route Approvals Based on Amount box is checked.
One Level of Approval Based on Approver’s Approval Limit – Choose this option if you want the workflow to automatically send the record to the approver that has the sufficient approval limits.
This field is enabled if the Route Approvals Based on Amount box is checked.
By choosing this option, you are enabling the workflow to skip approvers who have insufficient approval limits. This custom approval routing type is considered as skip approval.
Note:If the list of approvers does not include an approver with sufficient approval limits, the record is automatically rejected. You may then edit the record and resubmit for approval. For more information, see Resubmitting Records for Approval.
Record Locking and Reapproval Fields
The Record Locking and Reapproval Settings feature is only applicable to purchase orders, vendor bills, and expense reports.
The following fields lets you define the record locking and reapproval settings that you want to apply to the approval rule.
Record Locking – This setting lets you choose between the following record locking types:
Allow Record Editing Regardless of Record Status – This record locking type lets you edit records regardless of their approval status.
Lock Record for Editing Based on Status – This record locking type restricts editing of records in pending approval, approved status, or both.
Users with Administrator roles are exempt from validation of this setting and can therefore edit locked records.
Reapproval – This setting lets you dictate whether records are routed for reapproval.
This setting is a function of the Route Approvals Based on Amount field.
No Approval Rerouting Regardless of Change in Record Amount – This reapproval type applies to your setting for record locking. If there is no restriction, you can change the record amount.
By selecting this option, records with changed amounts are not rerouted or resubmitted for approval. The workflow proceeds using the same approval rule.
Tolerance – Tolerances are limits against changes to record amounts. You can set the tolerance in percentage or amount for records that require reapproval.
Tolerance (%) – This tolerance setting lets you require approval rerouting for record amount changes outside the tolerance percentage.
When this setting is chosen, the Enter Percentage Tolerance Limit field becomes available. This field accepts values between 0 and 100.
Tolerance (Value) – Choose this tolerance option to require approval rerouting for record amount changes outside the tolerance amount.
When this setting is chosen, the Enter Amount Tolerance Limit field becomes available. This field accepts values between 0 and 100.
If the change in record amount results in exceeding either the positive (+) or negative (-) limit, that record exceeds approval tolerances and will require reapproval. The reapproval will use the same approval rule.