Guidelines for Transitioning to Rebates and Trades Promotions SuiteApp
Read the following guidelines before you transition from Rebate Management SuiteSolutions to Rebates and Trade Promotions SuiteApp:
Set Up
Set the target for the transition date which can be a closing of a month, a quarter, a year, or any accounting period for when you will settle rebates.
External IDs must be unique for each of agreement details. Rename any conflicting External IDs on agreement templates if an issue occurs during installation.
Rebate agreements must not be active at the same time on the Rebate Management SuiteSolutions bundle and on the Rebates and Trade Promotions SuiteApp.
Rebate Preferences
Select both Item and Item Classification in the Item Inclusion criteria then select Item in the Item Exclusion criteria.
Select both Customer and Customer Classification in the Customer Inclusion criteria then select Customer in the Customer Exclusion criteria.
Select both Vendor and Vendor Classification in the Vendor Inclusion criteria then select Vendor in the Vendor Exclusion criteria.
Set the status of all rebate agreements in the SuiteSolutions as Completed or Expired so you can process the rebate settlements in the SuiteApp.
The rebate agreements in the SuiteApp should not be active before your target transition date.