
Knowledge base solutions are organized by a hierarchy of topics and subtopics. When you publish a topic, you also publish its subtopics and the solutions attached to these subtopics.

Use the topic record to create new topics and expose them to REST web services.

To learn more, see Support Case.

This record:

The REST API Browser includes information about the field names and field types of the topic record, and about the HTTP methods, request parameters, and operations available to this record. For details, see the REST API Browser’s topic reference page.

For information about using the REST API Browser, see The REST API Browser.

Record ID

The record ID for a topic REST record is topic.


You must enable Enable Features > CRM > Support > Knowledge Base feature and Permissions > Lists > Knowledge Base before you can use this record through REST web services.

Elements Not Accessible Through REST Web Services

The following elements are not accessible through REST web services:

  • subtopics

  • solutions

  • notes

  • publish

Usage Notes

Review the following notes on working with the topic REST record:

  • title is required, all other fields are optional

Code Sample

The following samples show common use cases for topic.

Creating a Topic

Body: { "title": "REST title", "description": "<p>A Description</p>", "isInactive": false, "longDescription": "<p>Long Description</p>", "parentTopic": 2


Retrieving a Topic



Updating a Topic

Body:{ "title": "Updated REST title", "description": "<p>Updated Description</p>", "isInactive": true, "longDescription": "<p>Updated Description</p>", "parentTopic": 3


Deleting a Topic



Related Topics

General Notices