Time & Attendance

This page allows you to enable or disable the option to use Rest Breaks (Paid) and prevent shifts from containing more than one break. These settings will flow through to your time and attendance devices.

To prevent creating shifts with more than one unpaid break, click the Single break box.

To allow creating shifts with paid or rest breaks, click the Rest breaks box.

When you've set time and attendance break options, click Save.

Single Break

The Single break option ensures both timesheet shifts and shifts can only contain a single break. If you are using a payroll system that only supports single breaks, enabling this option will satisfy this requirement of the payroll system.

Enabling this option will add the option for paid rest breaks to be used when employees clock out for a break, or when managers edit and approve shifts. If you disable this option, only unpaid rest breaks will be used.

By default, the Rest breaks option is disabled.

Paid Rest Breaks and the Weekly Scheduling View

You can manually edit timesheets and shifts after completed timesheet shifts in the Weekly Scheduling View. This includes Jobs, start and finish times of events, and comments.

In the Weekly Scheduling view, the +Add button will add a new event row to the bottom of the list of punches. The Remove button will remove the bottom row event.

It’s important to note that a paid rest break is counted as hours worked, and as such is included in all KPI calculations as if it were time worked. If wage-escalation is being used, the pay rate for a Rest Break (Paid) is decided by whatever the pay rate was before starting the Rest Break (Paid).

Short Break Prevention

Short Break Prevention is available on Time Clock for Windows as well as on iPad and Android mobile devices.

Short Break Prevention prevents the employee from returning from their break before the minimum length has passed.

If an employee comes back before meeting the minimum break requirements, they will see a message on Time Clock. The message advises employees of the time when their break finishes and when they will be allowed to punch back in.

To enable Short Break Prevention, see Preventing Short Breaks.

General Notices