Uploading Driver's License to an Employee

How do I upload a driver's license for my employees?

  1. Go to Workforce Management > Setup > Employees > List.

  2. Click an employee's ID.

  3. Under Employment documents, click Add new.

  4. Fill in the required information

    1. Label: Driver’s license

    2. Type: Personal Details

    3. Upload the file from your device

    4. Set the expiry date of the driver’s licence

    5. “Upload”

  5. The uploaded document will be saved and appear in the list of Employment documents.

  6. Make sure document expiry notifications are set up correctly.

    1. In Workforce Management, head to Setup > Notifications.

    2. Select “Expiring document”

    3. Check the reminder boxes and set the notification period that suits you:

  7. You will receive a notification when there is an expiring driver’s license. This notification appears in your notification page:

General Notices