Expiring Visas

Set up reminders for employees whose visas are expiring.

To set up notifications for expiring visas:

  1. Go to Workforce Management.

  2. Go to Setup > Notifications.

  3. On the Notification Config page, click Expiring Visa.

  4. Configure notification settings.



    Send reminder for upcoming expiring visas that have not been superseded

    If you want to receive reminders, check the box.

    Send it X days before expiration

    Enter the number of days before the expiration date that you want to receive the reminder.

    Send on date

    Send reminder on expiration date (in addition to above)

    If you want to receive a reminder on the day the visa expires, check the box.

    Notify managers

    Send reminder to primary location managers

    If you want primary location managers to receive visa expiration notifications, check the box.

    Also send notifications to

    If there are any other users with manager or higher access who you would like to receive notifications, select them here.

    If nobody is selected, only primary location managers will receive these notifications for their employees.

    To select employees:

    1. On the Available Choices panel, select the names of the employees who you want to receive visa expiration notifications.

      If you want all employees to receive the notifications, click Choose all.

    2. To move your selections to the Chosen Items panel, click the blue right arrow in the middle of the panels.

      If you want to clear your selections, click Clear All.

  5. Click Save.

General Notices