Shortages by Work Order Subtab

The Shortages by Work Order subtab displays the list of work orders along with associated assemblies having potential shortages. The results are based on the dates chosen in the Date Range field. You can modify the date range based on your business requirement. The SuiteApp prioritizes and displays the work order results based on work order production start dates or transaction dates (if Demand Planning feature is enabled). You can filter the work order results based on the Start Date, Sales Order, Work Order, Assembly, Component, Status, and Insufficient Supply.

You can use Choose Columns option to select the required columns to display on the Shortages by Work Order subtab grid.

To Select Columns for the Subtab Grid:

  1. Go to Reports > Supply 360 > Supply 360 > Shortages by Work Order subtab.

  2. On the Shortages by Work Order subtab, click Choose Columns.

  3. On the Choose Columns window, check the boxes for the required columns to show on the grid.

  4. Click Save.

    To retain the default columns available on the grid, click Reset.

The following table provides details about the columns available in the Shortages by Work Order subtab.

Column Name


Start Date

Production start date of the work order is considered if the Demand Planning feature is enabled. Else, the transaction date of the work order is considered. For more information, see Enabling Features.

Sales Order

Sales order associated to the work order.

Work Order

Hyperlink navigates to the work order transaction number.


Assembly item associated to work order.


Name of the component.


Status of the work order.


Work orders with Planned status are not considered when calculating the short quantity.

Short Quantity

Line level back ordered quantity of the component for selected date range.


The Short Quantity column displays in color coded format for the following conditions:

  • If any of the following conditions is true, the Short Quantity column appears in red color for that line:

    • When supply quantity is less than the short quantity.

    • If Work Orders start date is less than the system date or current date of the system.

    • If there are no planned supplies for the components.

  • In the following condition, the Short Quantity column appears in orange color for that line:

    For a work order, if the supply is fully available and one of the supply component receipt date is same as the production start date.

  • In the following condition, the Short Quantity column is blank without any color:

    • For a work order, if the supply is fully available and the receipt date of supplies is earlier than the production start date.

    • For planned work orders.


Component Unit of Measure (Line level).

Required Quantity

Component Ordered Quantity.

Supply Source

Supply transactions displayed with a hyperlink. Any one of the following supply category is displayed:

  • Work order

  • Purchase order

  • Transfer order

  • Inter company transfer order

  • Inbound shipment

In case of multiple supplies, the Multiple hyperlink opens a popup which displays all eligible supply transactions within a selected date range.

First Receipt Quantity

First receipt quantity from the first source (if the source is multiple) whose expected receipt date, production end date, or expected delivery date which is at the earliest. If it is a single source, the corresponding first receipt quantity is displayed associated to a supply type.

Operation Sequence

Operation sequence number of the component that is associated with the work order.

Operation Name

Name of the operation related to the component.

First Receipt Date

It shows the earliest supply date. The column value is derived from one of the following transactions:

  • Expected receipt date for purchase order, transfer order, or inter company transfer order.

  • Production end date of the work order. (if Demand Planning feature is disabled, transaction date of the work order is considered)

  • Expected delivery date for inbound shipment.


Predicted risk confidence of vendor.

In case of multiple supplies, if the earliest supply is a purchase order, confidence percentage associated to vendor is displayed on results. If none of the supplies contain purchase order, the confidence will be blank.

To download data from the Shortages by Work Order subtab, click Export button. This will generate an .xls file containing the relevant subtab data.

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General Notices