Supply 360 Overview Subtab
The Overview subtab is the default page the SuiteApp takes you to. This subtab provides a total count of work orders, components, and assemblies with insufficient inventory on hand along with the associated alerts.
Alerts let you view the total count of alerts.
The following alerts list is displayed on the Overview subtab:
Number of work orders scheduled today have components with insufficient inventory on hand.
Number of components have insufficient planned supply.
The three titles on the Overview subtab are as below:
The Work Orders tile displays the total count of work orders with components that have insufficient inventory on hand (at least one component is in shortage). Click View Details to go to the Shortages by Work Order subtab. Here, rows in red color indicate the work orders with insufficient planned supplies.
The Components tile displays the total count of components with insufficient inventory on hand where shortage quantity > 0 in at least one work order. Click View Details to go to the Shortages by Component subtab. Here, rows in red color indicate the components are completely in shortage.
The Assemblies tile displays the total count of assemblies with insufficient inventory on hand on respective work orders. Click View Details to go to the Shortages by Work Order subtab. Here, rows in red color indicate the work orders with components in shortage.