Update Approval Information Limitations
Take note of the following limitations when using the update approval information feature of SuiteApprovals:
For accounts that do not have Final Approvers, you should do one of the following:
Set up a Final Approver for each supported record type. For more information, see Setting Up Final Approvers.
If you do not plan on assigning a Final Approver, you can disregard the error banner. However, affected transactions will remain in pending approval status.
You cannot turn off the error banner regardless of your Final Approver setup.
Transactions will be affected because of one of the following reasons:
Transactions stuck in pending approval.
The values of the following fields do not match the latest entry in the Approval History subtab:
Approval Status
Next Approver
The error banner will appear if the transaction has duplicate serial numbers. To update the transaction, do the following:
Edit the affected transaction and update the serial number. For more information, see Received or Purchased Serialized Items.
After updating the serial number, the Final Approver must click Update Approval Information. For more information, see Updating the Approval Information of a Record.
Transactions created before version 7.02.9.a will still be validated by the SuiteApp. When you view an old transaction, an email notification will be sent to the Final Approver if the approval information update fails.
Final Approvers may receive multiple email notifications depending on the number of affected transactions viewed.
The email notification will be sent one time only and these notifications are unique for each affected transaction.
Final Approvers can create a saved search to list all transactions that require attention. For more information, see List All Record Update Failed Emails Using Saved Search.
Bulk processing of affected transactions is not currently supported.