Smart Count Dashboard
The Smart Count dashboard provides a summary of the inventory count activities performed in a location. It includes reminders, count summaries, count variance charts, and reports to analyze and effectively manage inventory.
If you have the Administrator role or Smart Count Inventory Manager role, you can access the dashboard and run the SC MR Compute Dashboard Data script. A user with the Administrator role can view this page for all subsidiaries.
The Smart Count Dashboard page lets you run the SC MR Compute Dashboard Data script to reduce the page load time for the following portlets:
Approval Summary
Smart Count Summary
On the SC MR Compute Dashboard Data script record, you can define the schedule when you want to run the script to process dashboard data. The script runs as per schedule to get data and displays it on the Smart Count Dashboard page along with a banner message. To view the real-time data, click Refresh on the banner message.
You can use the script only if you have set the Schedule Dashboard Data Processing preference on the Smart Count Preferences page.
The SC MR Compute Dashboard Data script uses the time zone set at the company level when running the script.
To schedule and run the SC MR Compute Dashboard Data script:
Go to Customization > Scripting > Scripts.
Beside the SC SS Count Review Data script, click View.
Click the Deployments subtab.
Click SC MR Compute Dashboard Data.
Click Edit.
Under the Schedule subtab, set the schedule when you want to run the script.
From the Save menu, select Save and Execute.
Smart Count Dashboard Portlets
The following table lists the portlets available on the Smart Count dashboard.
Portlets |
Description |
Examples |
Filters |
This portlet contains the Location field that lists all the locations accessible to a role. All other portlets display data based on the selected location. |
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Reminders |
This portlet displays item counts pending approval and items due for count in the current day and last 30 days. |
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Approval Summary |
This portlet displays a summary of approved, pending, rejected, and recounted items.
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Smart Count Summary |
This portlet provides the following information related to inventory counting:
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Average Count Variances by User |
This portlet provides a graphical representation of average count variance. The graphs display cycle count difference percent against the accuracy of the inventory counter in performing the count. The following formulas are used to count average count variances: Inventory Record Accuracy =Number of Approved Records / (Number of Approved Records +Number of Recount Suggested Records +Number of Rejected Records) * 100 Cycle Count Difference % =[{Sum of (Actual Count -Count End Quantity on Hand)}] / {Sum of (Count End Quantity on Hand)} * 100
To calculate cycle count difference, all count records are considered except records with the following statuses:
To understand how cycle count difference is calculated, refer to the following examples.
Count Variance Analysis |
This portlet provides a graphical representation of count variance analysis. For every inventory counter, the graph displays the percentage of item counts that is over the tolerance, within tolerance, and has zero variance.
To calculate the percentage of item counts, all item counts are considered, except the counts with the following statuses:
To understand the graphical representation of count variances, refer to the following examples. Case 1 – When item count is over the tolerance limit, the parameters are as follows.
Case 2 – When item count is within tolerance limit, the parameters are as follows.
Case 3 – When item count has zero variance, the parameters are as follows.
Count Variance by Location |
This portlet displays variance quantity or variance amount for Today, This Week, This Month, and This Quarter based on location and variance type. You can select the variance type from the Variance field at the top right corner of the portlet. To calculate variance, the sum of quantities or amounts in the inventory adjustment records of approved item count records is considered. The portlet includes the following columns:
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