Creating Count Configuration Records

A count configuration record lets you generate a task list, comprising of items to count. The saved search in a count configuration record enables generating a task list. You can also select a count configuration on the Task List, Counted Items, and Complete All Counts pages to display item list.

Creating Saved Searches to Generate a Task List

To create a saved search to generate a task list, complete the following steps.

To create a saved search for an item count list:

  1. Go to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New.

  2. Select any of the following search types to create a saved search:

    • Inventory Balance

    • Item

    • Transaction

  3. After creating a saved search, set the search to Public.

  4. If you want to identify specific bins in a count configuration, consider the following when creating an item saved search:

    1. In the Criteria subtab, from the Filter list, select Formula (Text).

    2. In the Saved Item Search popup window, set the following fields:

      1. In the Formula field, enter {binonhand.binnumber}.

      2. In the Formula (Text) field, select a criteria.

      3. Click Set.

      4. Click Save.

    3. Alternatively, you can use the following criteria when identifying bin-specific criteria in a saved search:

      1. In the Criteria subtab, from the Filter list, select Bin On Hand Fields....

      2. In the Bin On Hand Filter field, select a criteria.

      3. Configure the criteria based the results you require. For example, if you want to exclude bins with zero quantity of an item from the task list, set Bin On Hand filter to On Hand is greater than 0.

      4. Click Save.

On the count configuration record, you can also select an account to post count variance for reconciliation purposes.

The Smart Count SuiteApp includes a default Item Due for Count configuration record. The SuiteApp generates a task list daily based on the Next Inventory Count Date field value set for items in the Item Location Configuration page.

You can either use the default record or create custom count configuration records using the Administrator or Smart Count Inventory Manager role. You can also create a count configuration record for one-time use.

The SuiteApp also lets you updated the Inventory Count Interval and Next Inventory Count Date fields using the Mass Updates feature. On the Mass Updates page, select a location in the Inventory Location field to update the next inventory count date and inventory count interval for items in a location.


If you do not select an inventory location, the SuiteApp updates the inventory count interval and next inventory count date for items across all locations.

If you select an inventory location, the SuiteApp updates the inventory count interval and next inventory count date values only for the selected location.


When creating custom count configuration records, ensure the following points:

  • If you did not select a default inventory count account when setting up accounting preferences, you must select an account on the count configuration record.

  • When creating a saved search for a count configuration record, use the Smart Count – Default Item Saved Search as a template.

  • To include items for counting on the task list, setting the next inventory count date for an item is not required. However, if you want to list the items for counting based on the next inventory count date, do the following:

    1. Set the Next Inventory Count Date field on the Item Location Configuration page of an item.

    2. In the Criteria subtab of a saved search, add the Location Next Inventory Count Date filter. Then, set the filter to is before tomorrow.

To create a custom count configuration record:

  1. Go to Setup > Smart Count > Count Configuration.

  2. Enter a name for this count configuration.

  3. (Optional) In the Account field, select an account to post item count variance.

    This step is required only if you did not select a default inventory count account when setting up accounting preferences.

  4. In the Description field, enter a description for this record.

  5. In the Saved Search for Item List field, select a saved search. The SuiteApp generates a list of items to count based on the selected saved search.

  6. Check the One-Time Count box if you want to use the count configuration record for one time only.

  7. In the Count Reason field, enter the count reason.

  8. Check the Count Bins with Zero Quantity box to include bins with zero quantity of an item on the task list for counting.

  9. In the Location field, select one or more locations in which this count configuration is applicable. If no location is selected, the count configuration applies to all locations.

  10. Click Save.

After creating a count configuration record, you can use this record to generate a task list. To perform inventory count using your mobile device, see Performing Inventory Count on Mobile Devices.

To deactivate a count configuration record, check the Inactive box on the record.

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