Partially Deductible and Non-deductible Taxes in SuiteTax
SuiteTax supports deductible and non-deductible taxes, however the corresponding tax types and tax codes are not automatically provisioned. Below, you can find the currently supported use cases and the steps required to implement the solution:
Non-deductible VAT (100%)
Partial Deductible VAT
Non-deductible Reverse Charge (100%)
Partial Deductible Reverse Charge
Use Case |
D |
Required Tax Types |
Required Tax Codes |
Expected GL Impact |
Notes |
Non-d |
For b |
Non-deductible Reverse Charge. Select both the Post to Item Cost and Reverse Charge properties when creating this new Tax Type record. |
Output VAT is posted to the tax account for sales (liability toward the tax authority). Input VAT is posted as a part of the item cost. |
Non-deductible Reverse Charge can be used on purchase transactions, expense reports, and journals. It cannot be used on sales transactions. |
Non-d |
VAT paid by a business that cannot be reclaimed on purchases because the e |
Non-deductible VAT. Select the Post to Item Cost preference when creating this new tax type record. |
The full tax amount (100%) is posted as a part of the item cost. |
Non-deductible VAT can be used on purchase transactions, expense reports, and journals. It cannot be used on sales transactions. |
Partially D |
For b |
Output VAT is posted to the tax account for sales (liability toward the tax authority). Input VAT: the non-deductible part is posted as a part of the item cost and the rest is posted to the tax account for purchases (as receivables toward the tax authority). |
Partially D |
VAT paid by a business is neither claimable nor fully non-d |
The non-deductible part of the tax amount is posted as a part of the item cost and the rest is posted to the tax account for purchases (as receivables toward the tax authority). |
For sample setup, see SuiteTax_Partially Deductible and Non-deductible Taxes.