Creating a Merchandising Rule
Merchandising zones can be targeted with different content defined within merchandising rules. Selection criteria is based on available facets and sort options defined during the SuiteCommerce Advanced Web Site Setup.
Merchandising rules are only available in SuiteCommerce Advanced websites.
To create a merchandising rule:
Go to Setup > SuiteCommerce Advanced > Merchandising Rules > New.
In the Merchandising ID field, enter a name for the merchandising rule.
In the Merchandising Title field, enter a title for the merchandising rule.
In the Description field, enter a short description of this rule.
From the Site field, select the website where you want this rule to display in.
Select a field set to define the information your website uses when displaying item results. Field sets are defined during the initial website setup. Only the field sets associated with the selected website are available. For more information about field sets, see Define Field Sets.
Enter the maximum Number of Results you want the rule to return. Use a value between 0 and 100 only. The number entered here should match the ideal number that can be accommodated by the page layout for these items in your website.
From the Filter subtab, enter your Filter criteria. You can filter items based on the search index facet fields defined for your website. Facet fields are defined during the initial website setup and are used to determine item filter criteria available on the website. For more information about facet fields, see Select and Configure Facet Fields
If desired, check the Apply on Current Selections box. When enabled, the current search criteria is included in the query to the item search API.
In the Filter column, select a field from the list. After a filter is selected, a popup for setting up values opens. Depending on the type of field selected the options available for your filter vary. Fill in the filter criteria you need for your rule.
Note:Depending on which filter is selected, you can check the Current Selection box when you want the item to only be displayed when it matches the search criteria of the current session.
When using Commerce Categories in the Filter column, enter the name of the commerce category you need to filter in the Value column. To learn more, see Commerce Categories.
Important:When working with matrix items, you may get inconsistent results if values set for custom fields vary from the matrix parent compared to the matrix child. To avoid this, set the custom field for the desired result on the parent item and then use More Actions > Update Matrix to set the child items as needed.
Click Set to close the popup, and then Add to save the line.
From the Sort subtab, enter your sort criteria. You can sort items based on the sort fields defined for your website. Sort fields are defined during the initial website setup and are used to determine the sort order of search results on the website. For more information about defining sort fields, see Select and Configure Sort Fields.
In the Sort column, select which field you want results sorted by. The available fields are determined by the selected website.
Select Ascending or Descending in the Sort Option column.
Click Add. Sorting is applied in the order each field is entered.
From the Advanced subtab, you can specify items to exclude and whether a custom template should be used for this rule. If left blank the default template is used. For more information, see Merchandising Zone Template.
Click Save.