Creating a Quality Inspection

The following video describes how to create a quality inspection.

To create a quality inspection:

  1. Go to Quality > Setup > Inspections > Quality Inspection > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter a unique and descriptive inspection.

    For example, pH test.

  3. Enter an inspection Description.

    This information appears in the tablet to help the quality engineer understand the goal of the inspection.

  4. Select an inspection Type:

    • Select New to create a new quality inspection type.

      1. In the Quality Inspection Type page, enter an inspection type Name.

      2. You can also enter an inspection name for one of the available languages.

      3. Click Save.

    • Select Qualitative to verify whether the received item is in good condition and the appropriate certificates are in place.

    • Select Quantitative to define multiple measurable elements and acceptance criteria.

      For example, diameter, width, temperature, or chemical composition.

  5. To define how the inspection is performed, select an Inspection Method.

    For example, visual inspection, scale, or caliper. You can create this inspection method list in advance or add new entries as you need them.

  6. To make the inspection inactive but not delete it, check the Inactive box.

  7. To specify the number of inspections created for each transaction, enter a Detail Frequency (Lot).

    The following table describes the outcomes you encounter when you set a specific detail frequency value:

    Detail Frequency (Lot) Value


    Blank or Null

    Creates one inspection for the received item.

    Does not initiate a bin transfer and status change, which could be implemented within an enhanced receipt quarantine workflow.


    Creates one inspection for each lot or serial number in the received item’s inventory detail.

    This ensures no lots or serial numbers are skipped.


    Skips every other lot or serial number.

    An inspection is created for every other lot or serial number (1, 3, 5, and so on).


    Skips two lots or serial numbers between inspections.

    An inspection is created for every third lot or serial number (1, 4, 7, and so on).

    Skip lot frequency continues as you enter higher numbers (3, 4, and so on).


    If you attach a Certificate of Analysis (COA) data field to an inspection, the system ignores skip lot functionality. You must report all lots during inspection.

    For more information, see Defining a Certificate of Analysis (COA) Field.

  8. Select a Sampling Requirement:

    • New – to create a new quality sampling requirement.

    • Simple Sampling – to use a fixed number/percentage to determine how many samples to take.

      This option displays the Sampling Rate and Allowable Failures fields where you can define the inspection parameters.


      By default, an inspection with simple sampling includes the Defect Count and Samples Inspected inspection data fields. To have your own summary fields for sampling inspection, you must mark the two default inspection data fields as inactive and manually create the summary fields.

      If no summary fields are recorded during sampling inspection, the inspection is marked as pass.

      For more information, see Inactivating Default Data Fields for an Individual Inspection and Inactivating Default Data Fields for All Inspections.

    • No Sampling Required – to not require samples.

  9. If the inspection requires sampling, define the inspection parameters.

    1. Enter a Sampling Rate.

      This represents the number of inspection sample records created for each lot.

      • Leave the field empty (blank or null) or enter 0 if no samples are required.

      • Enter a number or a percentage to represent the sample records for each received item.

        For example, enter 3 to take samples from 3 items. Enter 10% to sample at least 10% of the item quantity.

    2. In the Allowable Failures field, enter a number or a percentage of samples that can fail before an inspection failure is triggered.

      For example, enter 3 to set the allowable failures to 3 samples. Enter 10% to set the allowable failures to 10% of samples.


      For a percentage value, ensure that you enter a number followed by the percent sign (%).

    3. To use the Quality Management tablet interface to collect sample data, check the Collect Sample Data box.

  10. Click Save.

To better complete the inspection, assign data fields (the data to be collected), standard fields (preset values to compare to collected data), and rules that establish the relation between them.

For more information about creating a quality inspection data field, see Data Fields.

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