Assigning a Quality Inspection

After an inspection is triggered, it displays in the data collection tool inspection queue. A quality manager can control important attributes of the pending inspection including the assignee, priority, and status.

An inspection for a triggered specification can only be staged for the tablet when an active specification-inspection record is identified and the inspection is marked Active.

To assign a quality inspection in the Quality Management tablet interface:

  1. Go to Quality > Setup > Inspections.

  2. To display existing inspection queue records, click List.

  3. Select a Location where this inspection is to occur from the list.

  4. Select an Item record to be inspected.

  5. Select the name of the person this inspection is Assigned To.

  6. Select an Inspection Status.

  7. Select a Transaction Type to be inspected.

  8. Select an inspector name from the Set Assigned To list.

  9. Select an inspection priority from the Set Priority list.

  10. Select an inspection status from the Set Status list.

  11. In the Queue Records subtab, beside the inspections you want to update, check the Select box.

    You can set the status of pending inspections to determine the Queue Records list order.

  12. Click Assign.

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