Required Customer/Vendor Settings

Setting the Tax Registration Information

Setting the tax registration information for your customer/vendor is required for the generation of all Spain VAT reports provided by the Spain Localization SuiteApp. For instructions on setting this information, see Assigning Tax Registrations to an Entity in SuiteTax.


Entering and sourcing tax registrations for customers/vendors follow the same logic as in the case of the subsidiary. For more information, see Setting the Tax Registration Number for Your Spanish Subsidiary.

Setting the Customer/Vendor Address

Setting the address for your customer/vendor is required for the generation of all Spain VAT reports provided by the Spain Localization SuiteApp.

To set the address:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Customers/Vendors.

  2. From the list, click on Edit next to the customer/vendor, for which you want to set the contact information.

  3. Click on the pen icon in the Edit table column on the Address subtab.

  4. In the popup window, fill out all address-related fields with the contact information of your customer/vendor.


    Setting the ZIP code for all Spanish customers/vendors is required for a correct Modelo 347 report generation.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Save.

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General Notices