Creating Costed Bill of Materials

The Costed Bill of Materials SuiteApp displays the total cost breakdown of an assembly item using the bill of materials revision, routing steps, and costing method.

To create a costed bill of materials:

  1. Go to Reports > Cost Accounting > Costed Bill of Materials.

  2. From the Subsidiary list, select a subsidiary for the bill of materials.

  3. From the Item list, select the assembly item for which you want the bill of materials.

  4. From the Location list, select a location to view data for that location.

  5. From the Bill of Materials list, select the bill of materials to automatically populate the Bill of Materials Revision and Effective Date fields.

  6. From the Display Control list, select either By Date or By Revision to decide what to include in an assembly. This field is available only when an assembly item uses revision control for its effective display control value.

  7. The Date/Effective Date field displays the date used to decide when a component should be included in an assembly. This field is available only when an assembly item uses revision control for its effective display control value.

    The field is editable only if the display control value is set to By Date. The Date field controls which date is used when querying the components of the assembly item. Then, components are shown based on the following criteria:

    • The selected date is greater than or equal to the effective start date.

    • The selected date is less than or equal to the effective end date.

  8. From the Bill of Materials Revision field, choose the bill of materials revision from the list.

  9. Check the By Manufacturing Routing box only if the assembly item has an associated routing. The box will be disabled if the item has no associated routing.


    You must check the By Manufacturing Routing box to see data in Top Level Costs and Fully Exploded Costs subtabs.

  10. From the Manufacturing Routing list, select a manufacturing routing. This field is enabled when you check the By Manufacturing Routing box.

  11. In the Build Quantity field, enter the build quantity of the item you want to see for the costed bill of materials. The default value is 1. However, if Manufacturing Routing And Work Center feature is enabled in Enable Features page, the default value will be the costing lot size mentioned in selected assembly item record.

  12. Check the Top Level Only box to limit the details to the selected assembly item, its components, and operation only. Information about sub-assemblies is not displayed. Clear this box to display details at all levels of the fully exploded Bill of Materials. This field cannot be checked if the By Manufacturing Routing box is selected.


    If the Top Level Only field is checked, the costs for the selected assembly item are sourced directly from the assembly item.

    If the Top Level Only field is not checked, the costs for the selected assembly item are sourced and aggregated from the component items in the exploded bill of materials.

  13. From the Material Cost list, you can select the cost type to be used for all components. For more information, see Cost Types for Material Cost Calculation.

  14. Click Submit.

    You can view the three subtabs (Material Costs, Top Level Costs, and Fully Exploded Costs) after the process is complete.

  15. (Optional) You can download the report by clicking the Download button.


    Following points are applicable to the downloaded file in the SuiteApp.

    • The downloaded file has the file name in the format Assembly Name_BOM name_Revision name_Routing name_timestamp.xls with a character limit of 199 characters. If Assembly Name_BOM name_Revision name_Routing name is of 170 characters, the SuiteApp will automatically truncate the characters and allocate the remaining characters for _timestamp.xls.

    • The file name will add the display name as a part of the assembly name if the Show Display Name with Item Codes preference is enabled.

    • Unsupported characters (\, /, :, *,?, ", <, >, |, %) will be converted to underscore (_) in the file name.

  16. (Optional) To email the report, click the Email button which goes to a new browser tab.

    1. In the Email Recipients field, enter the email addresses. By default, the field contains the email address of the logged-in user.


      Following points are applicable to the email option in the SuiteApp.

      • The email addresses in the Email Recipients field must be separated by commas.

      • You can add a maximum of 10 email recipients in the Email Recipients field.

      • You cannot email the Costed Bill of Materials report if the file size is more than 10 MB. So, you can download the report and email it instead.

    2. Click Submit.

  17. (Optional) To simulate the report with modified unit cost (for non-assembly items) and build quantity values:

    1. In the Unit Cost column of the Material Costs subtab, modify the value for any nonassembly item.

    2. In the Simulate Build Quantity field of the Material Costs subtab, modify the value for which you want to generate a simulated report.


      The Build Quantity field value in the Filters section takes up the value provided in the Simulate Build Quantity field after simulation. However, the modified values will not reflected in the original report.

    3. Click Simulate to display the simulated Costed Bill of Materials report.

    4. To download the simulated report, click the Download button.

    This Costed Bill of Materials report shows the modified values in all subtabs based on the updated unit cost of the nonassembly items.


    Following points are applicable to the simulate option in the SuiteApp:

    • The modified changes of the simulated report will be replaced with the original values after clicking the Submit button.

    • The modified unit cost is updated in each bill of materials where the item is used if:

      • The unit cost is modified for any nonassembly item.

      • The item is used in more than one bill of materials within the exploded bill of materials for the assembly.

    • When the values are modified in the Unit Cost column of the Material Costs subtab, the values are highlighted in blue color.

    • The downloaded file has the file name in the format Assembly Name_BOM name_Revision name_Routing name_simulated_timestamp.xls with a character limit of 199 characters. If Assembly Name_BOM name_Revision name_Routing name exceeds 170 characters, the SuiteApp automatically truncates the excess characters and allocates the remaining characters for simulated_timestamp.xls.

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