Material Costs Subtab

The Material Costs subtab provides a breakdown of the cost of the components used in the assembly. You can view material costs based on item costing method, purchase price, or item default price on this subtab. Using these details, you analyze the cost of the materials used in the assembly.

The following table provides details about the fields in the Material Costs subtab.



Total Material Cost

Total material cost calculates based on the build quantity and cost of the end assembly item.

Material Cost per Unit

Material cost of a single unit of the end assembly item.

The following table provides details about the columns in the Material Costs subtab.

Column Name


Item Name

Component item name.


Level represents the level in the hierarchy of the exploded bill of materials.

Item Display Name

Display name of the component item.


Quantity of the component item as per the bill of materials required to produce one unit of the assembly at this level.

Component Yield

Component yield is retrieved from the selected bill of materials revision of the assembly item.

Quantity Per Assembly

Quantity of the component item required to produce one unit of the assembly at this level based on component yield.

Quantity Per Top Level Assembly

Quantity of the component item required to produce one unit of the end assembly.

Quantity for Build

Quantity for Build calculates based on the product of build quantity and quantity per top level assembly.

Unit Cost

Unit cost of the component as per the selected material cost source. This column can be edited to generate simulated reports. For more information, read step 17 in Creating Costed Bill of Materials.


Consumption unit of the component.

Total Cost

Total cost of the component.


The SuiteApp selects the bill of materials revision for a subassembly in the following precedence order:

  1. If a BOM contains multiple revisions, the active revision is considered based on the current date falling within the effective start and end date range.

  2. If a BOM contains multiple revisions with the effective date range as expired or future effective, the BOM revision with latest or last modified date is considered.

Inactive BOM revisions are not considered for estimations.

Following points show how the bill of materials is associated with an effective revision of a subassembly:

  • A BOM associated with the Default for Location field is prioritized over the BOM mapped to the Master Default field.

  • If a subassembly is not mapped to a BOM that is associated with Default for Location field, the BOM mapped to Master Default field is considered.

  • Inactive BOM is not considered even if it is associated with Default for Location or Master Default fields.

  • If there are multiple BOMs with multiple revisions, and revisions have expired or future effective dates, the BOM revision associated with Default for Location field is considered.

  • If a subassembly is mapped to following BOMs, the Master Default BOM with active revision is considered.

    • BOM that contains multiple revisions with expired or future effective date and associated to Default for Location field.

    • BOM with active revision and mapped to the Master Default field.

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