Managing Public Holidays in WFM

You can edit public holidays by Location. To do so, go to Setup > Locations, select a location, and then click Public Holidays.

Some Enterprise Agreements, Awards or Regions may view different public holidays than the Federal or State dates (eg. regional show days).

Public holidays can be included or excluded at the WFM Location level.

For a full list of holidays for the U.S., go to

Within this menu, you will see a list of public holidays which are assigned to your Location.

Adding a public holiday

Holidays will generally only need to be added if you need to replace a holiday or your local area observes holidays other than state or national holidays. Note: if you add a holiday, it only applies to this location. To add a holiday, click Add local public holiday. Enter a name and a date for the holiday. Optionally, enter a start time and a finish time. Click Create. The holiday appears in the list for that location.

Excluding a public holiday

Clicking on the “Exclude” button will prompt you to confirm you’d like to exclude this particular holiday from this Location.

After excluding a public holiday a new list of holidays excluded from this Location will appear underneath the list of current holidays:

You can click “Restore” on a public holiday if you have made a mistake or need to add that holiday back to those included/observed at this Location.

General Notices