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For usage and overage services, you can price in one frequency and charge in another frequency to generate a charge per usage.
For example, in a price book, you can set a service price annually but charge customers monthly. This resets the pricing tiers annually but charges for monthly usage.
Pricing frequencies indicate how often to reset the tiers of the subscription line. Charge frequencies indicate how often to charge the customer for the service. For example, annual pricing with monthly charging resets tiers annually but charges for any usage monthly.
Pricing frequency and charge frequency must divide evenly within each other. Examples are quarterly and monthly, or weekly into two weeks.
Frequencies can be changed only when the subscription line is in the Draft or Pending Activation status.
The pricing frequency and charge frequency must match for one-time, recurring, prepay and commit services types.
On a subscription plan, there is a column Charge Per Usage Record. You can select Yes only for commit plus overage service and usage service types in the Draft or Pending Activation status.
Subscription lines and subscription plan lines have the Charge Per Usage field. To generate a charge per usage record, check the Charge per usage field.
Pricing details on the charge and invoice line are not grouped together when multiple charges are created within the same charge period.