Supports the new access levels replacing the "No Permission Required” access type for custom records introduced in NetSuite 24.2 to enhance security. For more information, see the help topic Setting Permissions for a Custom Record Type.
An issue was resolved where users were unable to view Warranty Claim records due to a SuiteScript error. The error stated: "This Case cannot be deleted as it has related Tasks that are either in progress OR which have Time and/or Consumable records attached."
An issue was resolved where some users could not log in to the mobile app when the total number of mobile users exceeded 1,000.
An issue was resolved where the asset latitude and longitude fields were left empty after selecting an address multiple times.
An issue was resolved where the email field was not prepopulated after successive loads of the mobile sign-in page.
An issue was resolved where the latitude and longitude fields were not populating upon task creation.
An issue was resolved where Service Reports showed broken images when using the Automatic Email Notification feature.
An issue was resolved where the existing case contact was replaced when the Transaction, Project, or Customer fields were updated.
An issue was resolved where users attempting to run the scheduler encountered the error message "Your access to the Field Service scheduler has been disabled. Please contact your NetSuite Administrator."