Completing Questions or Answers Dynamically from Popup Tables or Lists Selections

When users make a selection in a popup table or list (called picklists and picklist dropboxes) , an entire row from the product table is selected. For more information about product tables, see Storing Answer Options in Tables.

The value from the column of your choice is displayed in the input box field on the user interface. You can map other values belonging to the same row to other questions or answers.

By leveraging mapping options, you can dynamically complete questions or answers depending on user selections on popup tables or lists. This option eases the configuration process for users and ensures that questions and answers are filled in according to the established requirements.

To complete questions and answers dynamically by leveraging popup table or list data, go to the Mapping section on the Picklist subtab of the answer record.

For more information, see the following help topics:

Mapping Popup Table or List Selections to Questions or Answers

You can map product table values to question and answers depending on user selections on popup tables or lists. When setting up the mapping, specify:

  • The product table column that provides the values for the popup table or list.

  • The question or answer where you want map the additional values from the same row.

To map popup table or list selections to questions and answers:

  1. Edit the popup table or list answer.

  2. On the Picklist subtab , go to the Mapping section.

  3. Click the open icon next to the Column(s) to Q/A Configuration field.

  4. In the popup window, select the column from the product table you want to take the value from in the From Column field.

  5. In the Map Q or Q/A field, select the question or answer where you want to map the value.

  6. To map other columns to question or answers, click Add Mapping.

  7. To clear the mapped value and add a new one every time users select an option in the popup table or list, check the Clear mapped QAs on reset box.

  8. Repeat steps 4 – 5.

  9. To save your filtering preferences, click OK.

  10. Click Save.

Mapping Popup Table Selections to QTables

You can map product table values to qTables depending on user selections on popup tables (called picklists).

Each user selection in the popup table fills in a different cell in the selected qTable column, one cell after the other. To make the user selections appear always in the same cell and delete the previous mapped value, check the Clear qTable before mapping box.

To map a popup table selection to a qTable:

  1. Edit the popup table answer.

  2. On the Picklist subtab , go to the Mapping section.

  3. In the QTable for Mapping field, select the qTable where you want to map values.

  4. Click the open icon next to the Column(s) to QTable Configuration field.

  5. In the popup window, select the product table column you want to map to the qTable in the From Picklist Column field.

  6. Select the qTable column where you want the product table column to be mapped to in the Map QTable Column field.

  7. To add more columns, click Add Column.

  8. To save your preferences, click OK in the popup window.

  9. Click Save.

Mapping QTable Popup List Selections to Questions or Answers

You can map values from product table columns to questions or answers depending on user selections made on qTable popup lists.

To map a qTable popup list selection to questions and answers:

  1. On the Answers subtab, open for editing the qTable popup list answer you want to modify.

  2. Click the Picklist subtab.

  3. In the Mapping section, click the open icon next to the Column(s) to Q/A Configuration field.

  4. In the popup window:

    • Select the column from the product table you want to take the value from in the From Column field.

    • Select the combination of question and answer where you want the value to be mapped to in the Map Q or QA field.

    • To add more columns, click Add Mapping.

    • To save your preferences, click OK.

  5. Click Save.

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