Working with the Product User Interface

Each product is provided with an interface where users can configure complex items according to their preferences. The following image shows a simplified product user interface with its main elements.


You can find the following elements on a product user interface:

  1. Top bar – Contains the information about the price per unit, the total price, and the quantity of the main configurable item. The total price corresponds to the price per unit multiplied by the quantity.

    When users finish configuring the item, they can click one of the Submit buttons to add it to a transaction. Depending on the submit button type, the product user interface is closed, users can configure another item from the beginning, or duplicate the configuration.

  2. Audit menu – Contains information about every building block that has been activated from the user interface and included in the current configuration. NetSuite CPQ Configurator adds information to this menu while users select options and features on the user interface.

    The following building blocks are included in the menu: prices, materials, additional items, items to be created, records to be created, product images, routing steps, actions, and transaction fields to be set. In this menu, the Data option provides information about every activated rule in the configuration. You can search the rules by question and answer codes or by the answer value.

  3. Favorites menu – Lets you save configurations to reload them later or define a default configuration that loads when users launch a specific product. For more information, see Creating Favorite And Default Configurations.

  4. Tab line – Displays the tabs that organize the questions in different panes. For more information, see Organizing Questions in Tabs and Groups and Changing the Appearance of Tabs, Groups, and the Image Container.

  5. Question space – Displays the questions and answers that help you gather information about configurable items and guide the configuration process. For more information, see Gathering Information with Questions and Answers and Organizing the Question Space.

  6. Information bar – Contains the configurable item image, the validation messages, and the summary. For more information about changing the information bar appearance, see Changing the Information Bar Width and Position

  7. Configurable item image – Shows the configurable item while being configured (composite image) or a gallery of images. For more information, see Displaying Preview Images of the Configurable Item.

  8. Validation messages – Provide information to guide users in the configuration process. The validation message section is displayed only when there is at least one validation message. For more information, see Displaying Validation Messages on the User Interface.

  9. Summary – Provides detailed information about the price for a single main configurable item. The total price in the summary is copied to the Unit field in the top bar. For more information, see Calculating the Final Pricing for the Configurable Item.

For information about changing the user interface look and feel, see Changing the User Interface Look and Feel.

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