Working with Question and Answer Rules

When users configure an item, NetSuite CPQ Configurator can dynamically guide users in the configuration process by using rules. With rules, you can display only features and options that are relevant and available based on answers currently selected.

You can set up rules on the Rules subtab of question and answer records. In the rule fields, enter question and answer codes separated by the forward slash character. For example, A/1. Use operators to combine multiple question and answer sets. For example, A/1&B/2. For more information, see Activating Building Blocks with Rules and Using Rule Operators. When you are finished, save the question or answer record.

Several options to work with question and answer rules are available:

Hiding Questions or Answers

When hiding questions or answers with rules, you can prevent users from viewing unavailable item features or options based on their current choices. Using hide rules, you can also avoid displaying a question before another question gets answered. To do this, replace the answer code with the double percentage operator (%%). For example, you can add to the rule of question B the condition A/%%. Question B is hidden until question A gets answered.

In the Hide Rule field on the Rules subtab, enter the question and answer combination to determine when this answer is hidden.

When applying hide rules, NetSuite CPQ Configurator can clear questions or answers selected by users when they become hidden. To ensure that unavailable options or features do not remain selected when users amend their choices, check the Reset when hidden box on the question or answer record. NetSuite CPQ Configurator also clears the questions or answers when the parent tab or group becomes hidden.

Making Questions or Answers Read-Only

When making questions or answers read-only, you let users view item features or options that they should read but not interact with, or that may be available if they choose a different answer. Read-only questions or answers appear dimmed on the user interface and cannot be selected.

In the Read-Only Rule field on the Rules subtab, enter the question and answer combination to determine when this question or answer should be read-only.

Marking Answers as Incompatible

When marking an answer as incompatible, you indicate to users that their current choice does not meet the configuration requirements.

On the user interface, answers marked as incompatible become dimmed, and their graphical element is crossed out. When a previously selected answer no longer meets the configuration requirements, the answer label becomes red on the user interface.

You can also add a message to explain to users why the answer is incompatible with the current choice and how to correct the configuration. This message is displayed when users point to the answer marked as incompatible.

In the Incompatible Rule field on the Rules subtab, enter the question and answer combination to determine when this answer does not meet the configuration criteria. In the Incompatible Message field , optionally enter text to help users understand why the selection does not meet the configuration requirements and select another option.

To guide users in the configuration process, also add validation messages on the information bar and prevent submitting incorrect or incomplete configurations. For more information, see Displaying Validation Messages on the User Interface.

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