Default Performance Metrics

Depending on the features that are enabled in your account, your employees can use the provided performance metrics to keep the actual value of their goals up-to-date.

Performance Metric


Average Days to Close

The average number of days that it takes you to close a case.

Average Discount (%)

The average percent discount that you apply to sales orders.


This performance metric uses discounts that you apply to individual line items on a sales order, not to the overall sales transaction.

Average Opportunity Duration (days)

The average number of days between creating an opportunity and closing it with the status Closed -Won.

Billable Hours

The number of your hours worked that can be billed to customers.

Cases Closed (#)

The number of cases that you close.

Kudos Received

The number of Kudos that you receive.

New Customers

The number of your customers who place their first order.

Opportunities Won

The number of opportunities that are closed with the status Closed – Won.

Projects Completed on Time (%)

The percentage of projects that you complete on time.


To use this performance metric, the projects that you are a part of should use both project tasks and baselines.

Quote Conversion Rate (%)

The percentage of your quotes that are converted to sales orders.

Revenue Target

The total monetary value of your closed won opportunities.

Win Rate

The percentage of your opportunities with the status Closed – Won

You can also create your own performance metrics. For more information, see Creating Performance Metrics.

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