Managing Customer Records

Every customer making a purchase is a potential repeat customer. Having purchase history and details easily available through a customer record can help you provide an interactive, personal experience for your shoppers.

These topics cover a few areas for working with customers in NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS). It includes fields in NetSuite ERP that are specific to NSPOS as well as working with the default anonymous customer. The default customer handles situations where the real customer declines to provide information about themselves.

NSPOS synchronizes customer information through the replication server with NetSuite ERP. You can add and update customers at the register or in NetSuite. For NetSuite ERP records, you can add a large number of customers through a mass update.


To configure the "anonymous" customer used when a customer does not want to provide their personal information, see Configuring the Default Anonymous Customer

Working With a Customer Record in NetSuite ERP

Use these topics to work with customer records online. Customer records synchronize with each register’s database.


For more information about working with customer records in NetSuite ERP, see Configuring the Default Anonymous Customer.

To find and update a customer record in NS ERP:

  1. Log into NetSuite ERP.

  2. Go to Lists > Relationships > Customers > Search.

  3. Enter search criteria. A quick method is to enter any portion of the customer’s name in the Name/ID field.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. Locate the customer and click Edit (to update) or View.

    For more information , see Customers in the NetSuite ERP Help Center.

  6. If editing, make your changes and click Save.

    The information will synchronize with your registers shortly.


The Taxable box in NetSuite ERP does not downsync to NSPOS registers. If a customer's one-time transaction should be tax exempt, the cashier must do so from the register. See Make a Transaction Tax Exempt.

If a customer should always be tax exempt, see

Limiting Customer Record to NetSuite ERP – Do Not Download to POS

The customer record includes a Do not download to POS (point-of-sale) option under the Custom subtab. Check this box if you do not want the customer information in NetSuite ERP to synchronize to your NSPOS registers. The customer will not be found in a search done in NSPOS.

The "do not download" setting is useful for transactions and updates that are limited to online tasks only, tasks that will not be performed in stores at the register.

Do not download to POS box on customer record

Do not create a sales order in NetSuite ERP for customer records marked Do not download to POS. The sales order could cause an error from synchronizing to your registers without the required customer information.

If the Customer was Previously Downloaded to POS

If you want to block a customer record from NSPOS searches, but it was synchronized (downloaded) to your registers earlier, you must temporarily inactivate and then reactivate the customer in NetSuite.

  1. Edit the customer record.

  2. Under the Custom subtab, check the Do not download to POS box.

  3. Under the System Information subtab, check the Inactive box.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Wait 15 minutes for synchronization to remove the customer from your NSPOS registers.

  6. Edit the customer record.

  7. Under System Information, clear the Inactive box.

    Clearing the box returns the customer to an active status.

  8. Click Save. The customer will not be included in future synchronization downloads from NetSuite ERP.

Working with Customers in NSPOS

Use these topics to work with customer information from a register. Updates made for a customer in NSPOS synchronize to a corresponding customer record in NetSuite ERP.

To find and update a Customer from an NSPOS register:

  1. Tap Find Customer.

  2. Search for the customer by drilling into alphabetized folders or by entering the first few letters of the customer’s first or last name.

    Search results display after entering three characters. Searches do not require pressing any additional buttons, are not case sensitive, and match any part of a name. If you do not have a keyboard, tap the green Show Keyboard green Show Keyboard button button.


    NetSuite limits the search to customers in the same subsidiary as the store. Subsidiaries are different divisions or companies under a corporate parent.

  3. Tap the customer’s name.


    To view the customer’s past five transactions, tap the customer’s name again. Tap anywhere in the Journal to return.

  4. Tap Edit Customer.

  5. Make changes as desired and tap Done.

    The information will synchronize with NetSuite ERP shortly.


    If the customer is not making a purchase or other transaction, you can clear the name from the Journal by tapping Find Customer > No Customer.

To add a new Customer from an NSPOS register:

  1. Tap Find Customer.


    Searching for a customer before adding them helps to prevent duplicate entries.

  2. Tap Create Customer.

  3. Enter required and optional information.

    1. Required fields display an arrow arrow icon denoting required fields.

    2. If the customer belongs to an Organization or Customer Group already set up in your system, select it. These are often predefined by your NSPOS administrator.

  4. Tap Done.

    The information will synchronize with NetSuite ERP shortly.


    If the customer is not making a purchase or other transaction, you can clear the name from the Journal by tapping Find Customer > No Customer.

Gender Choices On Customer Form

Applicable to NSPOS 2024.1 and later.

To provide choices in how customers and employees can identify their gender, NSPOS includes an expanded gender list on the customer form in and on the employee record in NetSuite ERP. The customer form is set up for store customers and for employees as a means to associate purchases with people.

The gender choices are:

  • Empty (default value)

  • Not Specified

  • Non-Binary

  • Female

  • Male


The Gender list does not synchronize between NSPOS and NetSuite ERP. If you need to add or update a gender choice, you should do it in each application.

To select a gender on the NetSuite ERP employee record:

  1. Log in to NetSuite ERP as an administrator.

  2. Go to Lists > Employees > Employees.

  3. Locate the employee's name and click Edit.

  4. Scroll down and open the Human Resources tab.

  5. Scroll down and open the Personal subtab.

  6. Select the desired Gender.

    The default is "empty."

  7. Click Save.

    NetSuite ERP gender

To select a gender on the NSPOS customer form:

  1. Sign in to any NSPOS register.

  2. Press Ctrl+F12.

  3. Search for and tap Edit Customer.


    You can also use Find Customer during an NSPOS transaction.

  4. Enter criteria using the customer's first or last name.

  5. Tap the customer's name.

  6. Locate the Gender list and select from the choices.

    Gender on Customer form

    The default is No Selection.

  7. Tap Done to save the updated form.

Hide the Gender Field on the NSPOS Customer Form

The gender field appears by default on the NSPOS customer form. If your business does not use the gender field, you can update your Universal Settings to "hide" it when the form displays.


You cannot hide gender field on the employee record in NetSuite ERP.

To update the gender field display setting:

  1. Sign in to any NSPOS register as an administrator.

  2. Press Ctrl+F10 to open the Universal Settings window.

  3. Search for gender.

  4. Check the Hide Gender box.

  5. Tap Done.

    Box to hide the gender list

    Rather than universally hiding the Gender field for all registers, you can limit where the field is hidden using the group, workstation, or store settings associated with the current register.

Require Selecting a Customer for Transactions

You can determine if whether the sales associate must select a customer when performing NSPOS transactions. Besides linking customers to the items they purchase, this requirement prevents automatic assignment to the default anonymous customer.

The settings for requiring a selection are found in the NSPOS "flag" setup and are applied at the "universal" level. You should only check one flag.

  • CustomerRequired – A customer-search popup displays when adding the first item to the journal. The sales associate cannot complete a transaction without manually selecting a customer.

  • RequireCustomer – A customer-search popup displays when selecting a tender. The sales associate cannot complete a transaction without manually selecting a customer.

To set a preference for requiring a customer choice:

  1. Log into NSPOS as an administrator.

  2. Press Ctrl+F10 to open the Universal Settings menu.

  3. Search for the phrase CustomerRequired or RequireCustomer, depending on your store’s preference.

    • The CustomerRequired flag prompts for a customer when the cashier scans the first item.

    • The RequireCustomer flag displays the prompt at the end of the transaction, when the cashier taps Amt Due.

    CustomerRequired and RequireCustomer checkboxes in the Universal Settings menu.
  4. Check the CustomerRequired or RequireCustomer box. Only check one box.


    Do not check both options.

  5. Tap Done to save your changes

  6. You must exit and restart NSPOS on each register for the change to take effect on that register

Making a Customer Tax Exempt For All Transactions

A cashier can make a customer's transaction tax exempt using Other Functions > Tax Exempt. See Make a Transaction Tax Exempt.

However, this one-time exemption only applies to the current purchase.

To flag all transactions as tax exempt for the customer, you set it up for the customer's organization. This setup must be done at the register. Clearing or checking the Taxable box on the customer record in NetSuite ERP does not downsync to the register.

Follow these steps to associate a customer with an organization and make the organization tax exempt.


You must have a Tax Exemption Reason Code in place before using these steps. See Reason Codes for the steps to create or update codes.

To make all transactions tax exempt for a customer:

  1. From an NSPOS register, tap Edit Customer.

  2. Tap Edit Customer. Find and tap the customer to edit.

    If not found, tap Create Customer and enter their information.

  3. Locate the Organization field and then tap the binocular icon.

    Organization search icon
  4. Tap New to create a new organization.

    New organization button

    Because an organization cannot be edited, if you make a mistake or if an organization already exists, it must be replaced with a new organization.

  5. Enter the organization's Name.

  6. Enter the Tax Certificate ID.

  7. Check the Tax Exempt? box.

  8. For the Tax Exempt Type, tap the binocular icon to search for a reason.

    Organization details for tax certificate information
  9. Tap the Tax Exemption Reason Code.

    Organization tax exempt reason
  10. Tap Done until you return to the journal.

    All transactions for the customer will be tax exempt.


    The Tax Certificate ID is upsynced to the NetSuite ERP customer record. If an ID is already present on the customer record, it will be replaced. To review the tax ID in NetSuite ERP, find the customer record and look in the Financial subtab > Tax Information > Tax Reg. Number (Tax Regulation Number) field.


If the customer is making a purchase that should not be tax exempt, you should set up a new customer record that does not include a tax exempt organization.

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