CMS Records for Site Management Tools

When you add content to your website with Site Management Tools (SMT) and publish it, the content and the information regarding how it is displayed on the site is saved as NetSuite records. These include the following:

The custom record contains the content that you added to the site. For example, if you add a banner image to your site, there is a custom CMS_IMAGE record that includes the source for the image file, the alternate text for the image, and the link for the image. For each custom record, there is a corresponding CMS Content record. The CMS Content record details specific information about how and where that content from the custom record is displayed on the site.


Only published content is available as NetSuite records. Unpublished content is not accessible in the NetSuite Administrator.

Example: Records Created when Adding Content

You add a banner image to the header area of your site. When you add the image, you specify the following information:

  • Visibility Options

  • Image File

  • Alternate Text

  • Link

The area where you add the image is defined in the page template file and the area attributes provide a couple of important pieces of information. These are the scope of the content which can be global, current page, or page type. In this example, the area is in a page header and it is defined with global scope. The area also has a unique name. In this example, the name is global_banner_top.

When the you publish the content, a new CMS_IMAGE custom record is created. This record stores the content which is the image file source, alternate text, and link. A CMS Content record is also created. This CMS Content record links to the custom record with the custom record id. The CMS Content record includes the visibility date and times, area scope, area name, and several other data elements regarding the contents. See Custom Record for CMS Content and CMS Contents Record.

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