Bank Connectivity Plug-in Interface Definition


The Bank Connectivity API is deprecated as of NetSuite 2020.1. To use a connectivity plug-in that can directly connect you to a financial institution and automate bank data imports, use the Financial Institution Connectivity API. For details, see Financial Institution Connectivity Plug-in Interface Definition.

The plug-in interface includes the following functions.


You cannot change these function signatures and their return types in a Bank Connectivity Plug-in implementation.



getRequiredConfigurationFields (context)

Define the configuration requirements for your bank connectivity implementation. For example, a specific bank may require a secret user name and password to connect.

This function is called when you open the plug-in configuration page.

downloadPreviousDayBankStatementFile (context)

Request a statement from the bank. When you request a statement from NetSuite, the plug-in calls the function which makes the download request to the bank. The bank sends the statement back to the plug-in, then the plug-in formats and sends the statement to NetSuite. Continue with other stages of the Cash Management workflow, like transaction matching.

The plug-in interface includes the following objects.




To provide the plug-in with required information, this object contains a small subset of data from a bank account record in NetSuite.


This object contains all the user-supplied configuration data (field values) for this plug-in.


The getRequiredConfigurationFields (context) function uses this object.


The downloadPreviousDayBankStatementFile (context) function uses this object.

When the bank sends a requested statement back to the plug-in, the plug-in formats and sends the statement to NetSuite.


The getRequiredConfigurationFields (context) function uses this object.

The plug-in must use this object to provide any configuration fields it requires the user to complete. Based on this configured output, the required fields populate the Bank Connectivity Plug-In Configuration page in NetSuite.


The downloadPreviousDayBankStatementFile (context) function uses this object.

When the bank sends a requested statement back to the plug-in, the plug-in formats and sends the statement to NetSuite.

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