Custom Transaction Types Support Key NetSuite Features
When you use custom transaction types, you can leverage many of the same features that are available with standard NetSuite transaction types. For example:
Each custom transaction type can have its own numbering, permissions, and workflows.
Custom transaction types can include custom transaction fields that you define.
You can create multiple custom entry forms for each transaction type.
You can see what changes have been made to the custom transaction type configuration. For more informations, see System Notes v2 for Custom Transaction Types.
You can interact with custom transaction instances using SuiteScript. For details, see Custom Transaction.
You can interact with custom transaction instances by using SOAP web services. For details, see Custom Transaction.
You can interact with custom transaction instances by using REST web services. REST web services support basic, journal, and header only custom transactions. For details, see Using CRUD Operations on Custom Records, Custom Lists, and Custom Transactions v1.
You can interact with custom transaction instances by using the CSV Import Assistant. For details, see Custom Transactions Import.
You can reference your custom transaction types when creating saved searches. To find custom transaction types, use the Transaction search type. In the Types list, your custom transaction types are listed with standard transaction types.
You can use global search or SuiteAnalytics Workbook to find a custom transaction.
You can review system notes for custom transaction type configuration changes. Use the System Notes v2 workbook to view changes to the configuration of custom transaction types. For more information, see System Notes v2 Workbook.
You can interact with custom transaction instances by using SuiteAnalytics Connect. To reference your custom transaction types, use the Transaction table. Use the transaction_type column to identify your custom transaction type. For more details, see Connect Schema.
Custom transaction types can be included in SuiteApps packaged with SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF). SDF is a development framework that you can use to create SuiteApps from an integrated development environment (IDE) on your local computer. For more information, see Custom Transaction Types in Bundles.
Deploy custom transaction types to other accounts using SuiteCloud Development Framework, with some limitations. For more information, see SuiteCloud Development Framework and Custom Transaction Record Types as XML Definitions.
Custom transaction types can be used in conjunction with the Custom GL Lines plug-in. With the Custom GL Lines plug-in, you can create logic that automatically creates a GL impact. For more information, see Custom Transaction Type Association with a Custom GL-Lines Plug-in Implementation.
Support for these features makes it possible for each transaction type to have its own unique behavior and processing. These advantages can be critical as you develop a series of discrete transaction types to meet various needs.
Custom transactions appear on the Deposits and Credits subtab of the Reconcile Bank Statement if the Show All Transaction Types in Reconciliation box is checked on the Accounting Preferences page. For more information, see General Accounting Preferences.
For example, suppose you have a custom transaction type called Bad Debt, which you use to account for debts that are not collectible. For this type, you may want to restrict access to a limited set of users. You can manage this access on the Permissions subtab by using the transaction type’s Level sublist.

You may also want to create a custom workflow for this type. On the New Workflow page, custom transaction types are listed with standard transaction types.

If appropriate, your workflow can reference any custom statuses that you have defined for your transaction type. Custom statuses are a unique feature of custom transaction types and are not available with standard transaction types. You create statuses by using the transaction type’s Statuses subtab.