NSPOS 2024.1.20 E-fix Notes
This document lists the updates provided in NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) version 2024.1.20. The enhancements/fixes listed here are not available to NSPOS customers until they have upgraded to this version. NetSuite will modify these notes when needed to provide our customers with additional information.
E-fix Components
The NSPOS 2024.1.20 e-fix is deployed to customers upon request if their server is running NSPOS 2024.1.10. This e-fix is optional, and applies updates to these areas:
Release Type |
NSPOS Component |
Updated? |
E-fix |
Bundle |
No |
Replication Server |
Yes |
NSPOS Application |
Yes |
Notes and Suggested Actions
Updating your NSPOS components to 2024.1.20 is optional, but should be done to ensure your environment is using the most recent version of NSPOS. Use the descriptions in this topic to decide what actions to take after the e-fix is deployed to your server.
You can verify server deployment by viewing any active RA-Workstation record in NetSuite ERP. See Appendix: NSPOS Release Types and Verification.
Replication Server Update
No user actions are available for the replication server portion of the update.
NSPOS Application Update
This application update requires restaging your registers/workstations. The sooner you perform restaging, the sooner your registers can benefit from the e-fix.
Note that NSPOS registers can run in backward compatibility mode (one release prior to the server version) until time for restaging is available. You do not need to restage all registers immediately after the e-fix is deployed.
To Upgrade Your Registers
Restage your registers to NSPOS 2024.1.20.
Product Enhancements NSPOS 2024.1.20
To keep pace with recent versions of internal components, we have migrated NSPOS to .NET8. To read about the improvements included in .NET 8, see the Microsoft article What's new in .NET 8.
Fixes NSPOS 2024.1.20
The update includes these fixes.
SuiteTax Upsync Not Working Properly for Voided Items
When a NSPOS transaction contains a voided item, the upsync of the transaction to NetSuite ERP failed. Now the transaction completes as intended.
Sales Order Deposit/Invoice Might Post to NetSuite ERP a Day Late
In some cases, the deposit/invoice for a sales order was posted to NetSuite ERP a day later than the sales order transaction.
Transaction Detail Report Not Showing Totals Correctly for Prices with Tax
Transaction Detail Report was displaying incorrect totals for prices that included tax. Now when the report has prices that include tax, the total is accurate.
Verifying an E-fix Was Deployed
You can verify that the e-fix was deployed to your server by viewing any active RA-Workstation record in NetSuite ERP. See Appendix: NSPOS Release Types and Verification.