Supported Metadata Saved Searches in Close Management and Consolidation Sync

The Close Management and Consolidation Sync SuiteApp includes predefined saved searches that you can use to load metadata from NetSuite to your Financial Consolidation and Close. The table below shows the names and IDs of the provided metadata saved searches.


Make sure the IDs of the cloned saved searches start with the following prefixes. The cloned saved searches should not use any of these prefixes as their IDs.

Saved Search Name

Saved Search ID

FCCS Sync (Metadata) Balance Sheet Accounts


FCCS Sync (Metadata) Class


FCCS Sync (Metadata) Customer


FCCS Sync (Metadata) Department


FCCS Sync (Metadata) Income Statement Accounts


FCCS Sync (Metadata) Item


FCCS Sync (Metadata) Location


FCCS Sync (Metadata) Subsidiary


FCCS Sync (Metadata) Vendor


To access the metadata saved searches:

  1. Go to NetSuite EPM > Close Management and Consolidation > Manage Saved Searches > Create Default Saved Searches.

  2. From the Saved Search Group list, select FCCS -Metadata Saved Searches.

To use the metadata saved searches for your integration with Financial Consolidation and Close, you need to create them in NetSuite. For information, see Creating a Close Management and Consolidation Sync Saved Search.

When you clone any of these metadata saved searches in NetSuite, follow instructions in the help topic Customizing a Close Management and Consolidation Sync Saved Search.

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