Analyzing Trends in the OpEx to Rev Dashboard
The OpEx to Revenue Dashboard shows the OpEx trends by Account for the selected Department and by Department for the selected Account. You can use this dashboard to analyze operating expense trends by Department as an amount or percentage of total revenue. The subforms include the option to drill into specific Accounts or Departments.

This section includes general instructions on how to use the following interactive subforms in the OpEx to Rev Dashboard:
OpEx by Account as Pct of Total Revenue – Displays the expense trend by Account for the selected Department. You can view trends as an amount or percentage of total revenue.
OpEx by Dept as Pct of Total Revenue – Displays the expense trend by Department for the selected Account.
To analyze the operating expense trends:
From the Home page, click the OpEx card.
To go to OpEx Dashboards, click the 2 tab on the left-hand side.
Click OpEx to Rev Dashboard.
In the Point of View (POV), select a Version, Subsidiary, Currency, and Tracker member. For Tracker, select whether to view trends by amount or percentage of total revenue.
If you use Dashboards 1.0, click the Go icon
to apply the changes to the POV.
To review the operating expense trend by Account for the selected Department:
From the dropdown list in the OpEx by Account as Pct of Total Revenue subform, select a Department.
If you use Dashboards 1.0, click the Go icon
in the OpEx by Account as Pct of Total Revenue subform to apply the changes.
The Actual and Forecast values appear for the selected Department.
(Optional) Click a line in the graph or the Account name in the legend to drill into the Account's operating expense. Drilling shows the operating expenses at the individual Account level.
To review the operating expense trend by Department for the selected Account:
From the dropdown list in the OpEx by Dept as Pct of Total Revenue subform, select a Department.
If you use Dashboards 1.0, click the Go icon
in the OpEx by Dept as Pct of Total Revenue subform to apply the changes.
The Actual and Forecast values appear for the selected Department.
(Optional) Click a line in the graph or the Department name in the legend to drill into the department's operating expense. Drilling shows the operating expenses at individual departmental level.