Posting Incoming Electronic Invoices in Vendor Bills for Brazil


To access the Brazil Localization SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Localization.

In Brazil, when you acquire goods or services from a vendor, you receive an electronic invoice.

Posting the information from the electronic invoices you receive can be a legal requirement for your business. Incoming e-documents contain information relevant for bookkeeping and reporting purposes.

To post an incoming electronic invoice in a vendor bill for Brazil:

  1. Go to Transactions > Payables > Enter Bills.

  2. Fill the required information in the vendor bill transaction form.

    For more information, see Entering a Vendor Bill.

  3. Under Primary Information, in the E-Document Category field, select the type of e-document you received from the vendor.

  4. In the Transaction Nature field, select the transaction nature that applies to this transaction.

  5. Click the Items subtab.

    1. Add the items you purchased.

    2. When adding the items, do the following:

      1. In the CFOP Code column, select the Código Fiscal de Operação e Prestação (CFOP) code that identifies the type of transaction.

        If you associated the selected e-document category with a transaction nature record, NetSuite automatically populates the CFOP code with the appropriate default option. You can change it to a more suitable CFOP code, according with the type of transaction you're performing. For more information, see Setting Up Transaction Natures for Brazil.

      2. (Optional) In the Origin Code column, enter the code that identifies the item's place of origin.

        You can enter numbers from 0 to 8. For example, for items purchased in the domestic market, the code is 0.


        The place of origin of an item can be relevant for taxation, electronic invoicing, and reporting purposes. If you set an origin on the item record and want NetSuite to consider that code, leave this field empty.

  6. Click the E-Document subtab.

  7. Click the E-Document Certification subtab.

    1. If you received an electronic invoice for services, do the following:

      1. Under RPS Details, in the RPS Series field, enter the series assigned to this transaction’s transitory receipt for services (RPS).

      2. In the RPS Number field, enter the number assigned to this transaction’s transitory receipt for services (RPS).

      3. In the RPS Date field, enter the date assigned to this transaction’s transitory receipt for services (RPS).

      4. Under Certified E-Document Details, in the Transaction Nature field, select the transaction nature that applies to this transaction.

      5. In the Access Key field, enter the access key that the tax authority assigned to the e-document you received.

      6. If the RPS series is different from the certified series, in the Certified E-Document Series field, enter the series of the certified e-document.

      7. If the RPS number is different from the certified number, In the Certified E-Document Number field, enter the number of the certified e-document.

      8. In the Certification Date field, enter the date when the e-document was certified by the tax authority.

    2. If you received an electronic invoice for goods, do the following:

      1. In the Access Key field, enter the access key that the tax authority assigned to the e-document you received.

        When you enter the access key of an electronic invoice for goods, NetSuite automatically populates the E-Document Model, Certified E-Document Series, and Certified E-Document Number fields.

      2. In the Certification Date field, enter the date when the e-document was certified by the tax authority.

  8. Click Save.

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