Required Update of SuiteAnalytics Connect Drivers

Windows Server 2012 is no longer supported for SuiteAnalytics Connect. The following tasks are required:

If you do not take these required actions by May 12, 2022, you may experience a delay of up to 30 seconds when you log out of your Connect session.

To download the latest driver version, log in to NetSuite. In the Settings portlet on the Home page, click Set Up SuiteAnalytics Connect.

Before you install or upgrade the Connect driver, ensure that you meet the installation prerequisites. For more information, see Installation Prerequisites.

See the following table for more information about upgrading your drivers:

Driver Type

Required Driver Version

Actions Required

Windows ODBC or later

Upgrade to this version is required.

The preferred upgrade option is to download the driver and then run the installer. If you choose this option, you do not need to perform any further steps, unless you use a DSN-less connection.


You shouldn't uninstall the old driver and then install the new one. If you choose this option, you will need to update the existing Data Source Name (DSN) values in the Windows registry. For more information, see ODBC Installation on Windows for Installer Only.

If you use a DSN-less connection, you must also update your connection string to add the following attribute: AllowSinglePacketLogout=1.

If you use the Windows ODBC driver with Windows Server 2012, you must upgrade to a later version.

For more information, see Connecting Using a Connection String.

Linux ODBC or later

Upgrade to this version is required.

You must add the attribute AllowSinglePacketLogout=1 to your configuration.

For DSN connections, you must ensure that the odbc[64].ini file includes this attribute for each data source. After installing the driver, do one of the following:

  • Edit the odbc[64].ini file to include the attribute.

  • Overwrite the existing INI file with the odbc[64].ini file from the ZIP file. This file contains the new attribute.

For more information, see Configuring the ODBC Data Source on Linux.

For DSN-less connections, you must update the connection string to include this attribute. For more information, see Connecting Using a Connection String.

JDBC or later


On July 13, 2022, a new version of the JDBC driver was made available. For more information about the new version and the benefits of installing it, see JDBC Driver Version Available.

It is required to have at least the version installed to ensure a smooth transition. Installing the latest version is optional.

For both versions, you must set the NegotiateSSLClose parameter to false.


For more information, see Configuring the JDBC Driver.

For more information about verifying the driver version installed on your system, see Determining Your Connect Driver Version.


Both versions require at least Java SE 8.


If you use the ADO.NET driver with Windows Server 2012, you must upgrade to a later version.

For more information about upgrading ODBC drivers, see the following topics:

For more information about JDBC drivers, see the following topics:

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