Generating a Union OSS VAT Return

The One Stop Shop SuiteApp enables you to generate and view the Union OSS VAT return.

To generate and view the Union OSS VAT Return:

  1. Go to Reports > Country Tax Reports > Country Tax Report Preferences.

  2. From the Subsidiary list, select your subsidiary.

  3. From the Nexus list, a default nexus is selected. If you have multiple nexuses in your subsidiary, select your OSS nexus from the list.

  4. From the Report Name list, select Union One Stop Shop VAT return.

  5. Select the Start Period and End Period dates to generate the report for.

  6. Click Generate.

  7. On the Report Execution Log subtab, locate the generated report. The latest generated report displays at the top of the list.

  8. In the View | Download column, wait for the loading bar to complete and click View to open the report.

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