Union OSS VAT Return Form in Accounts with SuiteTax
The following table describes the reported values on the Union One Stop Shop VAT Return in accounts with SuiteTax.
Report Label |
Details |
EU One Stop Shop VAT Return — Union Scheme |
Title of the report. |
Subsidiary |
Name of the selected subsidiary. |
Member State of Identification |
Nexus of the selected subsidiary. |
VAT Number |
VAT Number supplied in EU One Stop Shop preferences. |
Tax Period |
The format of the Tax Period is Mmm.YYYY. |
Reporting Period |
Includes the start date and end date of the tax period in the following format: dd.mm.yyyy -dd.mm.yyyy. |
Currency |
The 3 digit ISO country code of the subsidiary or company's base currency. |
Member State of Consumption |
VAT Rate Type |
From |
Taxable Amount |
VAT Amount |
An additional column providing details on the reported item type. This can either be Goods or Services. The column appears if the toggle switch Split by goods and services is on. |
Name of the Member State of Consumption. |
VAT Percentage. |
VAT Rate Type. This can either be Standard, Reduced, Super Reduced, or Super Super Reduced Rate. |
Country items are shipped from. |
Taxable amount. |
VAT Amount. |
Total |
Total taxable amount for the member state. |
Total amount for the member state. |
Total VAT Amount Due for All Member States |
Total VAT amount due for all Member States. |