Top Keywords Searched by a Specific Shopper

Use this example to display the top search keywords a shopper entered while visiting your web store on a designated date.

Saved Search

Search type: Customer

Select filter: Company Name

Criteria Tab

Results Tab

Subtab: Standard

  • Filter: Company Name

    Description: is company x

Sort By: Session Record: Search: Time (descending)

Subtab: Columns

  • Field: Company Name

    Summary Type: Group

  • Field: Session Record: Search: Search Term

    Summary Type: Group

  • Field: Session Record: Search: Time

    Summary Type: Count

Criteria Tab

Example criteria for this use case.

Criteria - Top keywords searched

Results Tab

Example results setup for this use case.

Example results tab setup

Results Preview

Example preview for this use case.

Example results preview setup

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