Shoppers Who Purchased Item X and Also Viewed Item Y

This scenario provides a list of shoppers by name and email who bought a specific item through any NetSuite channel, while also viewing a different item in a SuiteCommerce web store. The search is filtered to limit results to specific time frames.

Saved Search

Search type: Customer

Select filter: Session Record (except for Transaction filter)

Criteria Tab

Results Tab

Subtab: Standard

  • Filter: Transaction: Item

    Description: Is item X

  • Filter: Session Record: User Interaction: Action Type

    Description: is item view

  • Filter: Session Record: User Interaction: Item (Select)

    Description: is item Y

  • Filter: Session Record: Start Time

    Description: is within last month

Sort By: ID (ascending)

Subtab: Columns


  • ID

  • Name

  • Email

  • Session Record: User Interaction: Item

  • Session Record: User Interaction: Action Type

Criteria Tab

Example criteria for this use case.

Example criteria tab setup

Results Tab

Example results setup for this use case.

Example results tab setup

Results Preview

Example preview for this use case.

Example results preview setup

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